星島聖誕特刊 2021

豬手洗淨及抹乾。 Rinse the pork knuckle and pat dry it. 焗爐預熱至 180℃。 Preheat the oven to 180℃ . 在豬手皮輕切數刀。 S c o r e t h e s k i n with a knife. 將橄欖油塗勻豬手。 Rub the pork knuckle with olive oil. 用刀沿豬手骨切幾刀,更容易焗熟。 Use a knife to make a few cuts along the pig's hand bone to make it familiar. 小貼士 分量:2至4人份 需時:1小時 材料 鮮豬手 1隻 橄欖油 2至3湯匙 蒜頭 3粒 迷迭香 1湯匙 鹽 1湯匙 胡椒粉 1茶匙 Ingredients Fresh pork knuckle 1 pc Olive oil 2-3 tbsp Garlic 3 cloves Rosemary 1 tbsp Salt 1 tbsp Pepper powder 1 tsp 將蒜蓉混合物塗抹 在豬手上。 Rub the garlic mixture over the pork knuckle. 豬手置燒架上,焗 40 分鐘至皮脆及金黃。 Place the knuckle on the rack and bake for 40 minutes until the skin is crispy and golden brown. 將蒜蓉、迷迭香、鹽 及胡椒粉拌勻。 Mix the garlic, rosemary, salt and pepper powder together. 蒜頭剁碎。 Mince the garlic. 2021年12月10日 47