
廣告如有排版錯誤時,則以店內標示為準。部分商品數量有限,售完為止。福耀超市保留售賣數量的權利。 Although we strive for accuracy in both copy & illustration, unintentional error may occur, we reserve the right to correct any error. Specials available while quantites last. We reserve the right to limited quantities. PRODUCE BBQ New Zealand Lamb Shoulder 纽西兰无骨羊肩肉 Boneless Lamb Shoulder Skewer 羊肉串(已调味) Fresh Gristle Chicken 新鲜鸡脆骨 $999 LB $599 LB $1099 EA Red Cherry Tomato 樱桃番茄仔 Honey Glow Pineapple 甜菠萝 Spring Onion 京葱 本店有售DuBreton 有机&全自然鲜猪 1 Jumbo Lotus Root 蓮藕 98¢ $398 EA $199 EA Honey Tangerine 礼品装沃柑 $288 LB $398 BOX $698 BOX 廣告如有排版錯誤時,則以店內標示為準。部分商品數量有限,售完為止。福耀超市保留售賣數量的權利。 Although we strive for accuracy in both copy & illustration, unintentional error may occur, we reserve the right to correct any error. Specials available while quantites last. We reserve the right to limited quantities. PRODUCE BBQ New Zealand Lamb Shoulder 纽西兰无骨羊肩肉 Boneless Lamb Shoulder Skewer 羊肉串(已调味) Fresh Gristle Chicken 新鲜鸡脆骨 $999 LB $599 LB $1099 EA Red Cherry Tomato 樱桃番茄仔 Honey Glow Pineapple 甜菠萝 Spring Onion 京葱 本店有售DuBreton 有机&全自然鲜猪 Lotus Root 蓮藕 $398 EA $199 EA Honey Tangerine 礼品装沃柑 $288 LB $398 BOX $698 BOX