卡加利生活百科 2022

Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park是由北美兩個大型國家公 園 - 加拿大亞伯達省的沃特頓湖國家公園(Waterton Lakes National Park)和美國蒙坦拿州的冰川國家公園 (Glacier National Park)的組成。兩個國家公園都被聯合國教科文組織宣布為生物圈保護區,並聯合成為一處 世界自然遺產。 In 1932 Waterton Lakes National Park (Alberta, Canada) was combined with the Glacier National Park (Montana, United States) to form the world's first International Peace Park. Situated on the border between the two countries and offering outstanding scenery, the park is exceptionally rich in plant and mammal species as well as prairie, forest, alpine and glacial features. Both parks are declared Biosphere Reserves by UNESCO and their union as a World Heritage Site. 沃特頓-冰川國際和平公園 Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park 使用6號公路由Waterton向北行便會到達Pincher Creek牛仔鎮。 Kootenai Brown村是遊客諮詢中心,禮 品店和加拿大西部邊境村莊的所在地,擁有27間歷史悠久的小屋和兩座充滿了迷人文物的博物館。它成立於 1966年,旨在保護充滿活力的先驅遺產之地。博物館包括27座建築物和30,000多件文物。遊客可以直接走進 任何歷史建築,可觀賞公開展示的歷史文物。 Travel north from Waterton on Hwy 6 to the cowboy town of Pincher Creek. As a hub for tourism, Kootenai Brown Pioneer Village is home to the visitor information centre, gift shop, and a Western Canadian frontier village with 27 heritage cabins and two museum buildings filled with intriguing artifacts. It was established in 1966, and was intended to preserve the area's vibrant pioneer heritage. The museum grow to include 27 buildings and more than 30,000 artifacts. Visitors are able to walk directly into any of the historic buildings and view the artifacts, which are displayed openly. Kootenai Brown Pioneer Village in Pincher Creek 網址:www.headsmashedin.ca 位於加拿大亞伯達省Fort Macleod西北18公里處,坐落於洛磯山脈山麓,HeadSmashed-In Buffalo Jump是其中世界上最古老的,保存最完整的水牛跳崖。該遺址 以其史前生活的卓越見證而聞名,近6,000年來一直被北美原住民使用。該處建設有一個以北美原住民文化為 主題的博物館。1981年Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump是聯合國教育科學文化組織所挑選的世界遺產之一。 Located 18 km north & west of Fort Macleod, Alberta, Canada at a location where the foothills of the Rocky Mountains meet the Great Plains. Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump is one of the world's oldest, largest, and best preserved buffalo jumps. Known for its remarkable testimony of prehistoric life, the site has been used continuously by aboriginal peoples of the plains for nearly 6,000 years. Tour guides are members of the Blackfoot Nation. The interpretive centre is built into the cliff and features displays on seven levels. In 1981, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) designated HeadSmashed-In Buffalo Jump as a World Heritage Site. 野牛跳崖 Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump Trek Station在1998年10月23日開幕,設計看似盤旋中的太空船, 這個獨特的遊客諮詢中心,是一個有趣的地方,適合一家人到來參觀,去認識有關Vulcan及鄰近懸市。處 身該中心,當然要穿上最喜愛人物的服飾,置身在星球飛船的主橋上。它位於卡加利以南,車程約一小時 十分。 地址 : 115 Centre St. East, PO Box 1161, Vulcan The Trek Station's was open on October 23, 1998. The station is designed to look like a hovering space ship. This unique tourist information centre is a fun place to take your family, you will get a chance to learn about the town of Vulcan and the surrounding Country and while you are slip on your favorite characters uniform and sit yourself on the main bridge of the Star Ship Enterprise. 最新的建築物Trek Station in Vulcan 網址:www.town.vulcan.ab.ca 是烏克蘭復活節彩蛋,採用防蠟方法裝飾著傳統的烏克蘭民間圖案。它長25.7 呎,寬18呎,高31呎,重 5,512磅。Pysanka是一個複雜的拼圖,包含524個星形圖 案、2,208個等邊三角形、3,512塊可見的刻面、6,978個螺絲以及177個內部支柱。 Pysanka吸引英國伊麗莎白 女王、愛德華王子和安德魯王子於1978年來到Vegreville觀看。 地址 : 4829 - 50 Street, Box 640 Vegreville Vegreville’s pysanka is a Ukrainian Easter egg decorated with traditional Ukrainian folk designs using a wax-resist method. It measures 25.7 feet long, 18 feet wide, and stands 31 feet high and weighs 5,512 lbs (2,500 kg). The Pysanka is a complicated jigsaw puzzle containing 524-star patterns, 2,208 equilateral triangles, 3,512 visible facets, 6,978 nuts and bolts, and 177 internal struts. The Pysanka is so cool that Queen Elizbeth, Prince Edward, and Prince Andrew came to Vegreville in 1978 to see it. Vegreville Pysanka 樂 Entertainments Al l-in-One Guide to Calgary 2022 91