卡加利生活百科 2022

樂 Entertainments Al l-in-One Guide to Calgary 2022 觀望壯麗的馬蹄峽谷,學習到有關地理 學、史前學和荒原的歷史。亦可學習到有關 生長在峽谷內的原始植物和動物。展覽中心位於9號高速公路Drumheller西面19千米。由卡加 利駕車前往只需90分鐘。每年五月至九月開放,免費入場。電話:403-823-2593。 View the impressive Horseshoe Canyon and learn about the geology, history, dinosaurs, and native plants and animals of the badlands. Free admission. 19 km SW of Drumheller on Hwy #9. Open during summer tourist season for hiking, guided tours and also motorized buggy access. Horseshoe Canyon Interpretive Centre 展示令人驚嘆亞伯達省草原景觀的Aspen Crossing鐵路,提供11種不同主題的火 車之旅,包括 "極地特快列車”! 享受歷史悠久的1887年Pullman餐車餐廳或擁有百年 歷史的草原農舍-逃生室和小酒館。於3個經過精美翻新的Caboose小屋,或在樹木茂密的大營 地中之中露營。並有住宿、短途旅行、餐飲及購物等等!Aspen Crossing位於24號高速公路離 卡加利東南僅45分鐘路程,位於Lethbridge和卡加利這兩個主要城市之間。 Showcasing the stunning Alberta prairie landscapes, the Aspen Crossing Railway offers 11 different themed train tours, including, The Polar Express Train Ride! Enjoy the historical 1887 Pullman dining car restaurant or a century old prairie farmhouse - turned Escape Rooms and Tavern. Stay in one of 3 beautifully retrofitted Caboose Cabins or the well treed and big rig friendly campground. Accommodations, excursions, dining, shopping and more! Aspen Crossing is a train-tastic destination located just 45 minutes southeast of Calgary on Hwy 24, situated between 2 major cities, Lethbridge and Calgary. Aspen Crossing 網址:www.aspencrossing.com 國際知名的史前博物館,陳列著世界上 最大的完整恐龍骨。亦負起搜集、保存、研究、展覽及註譯亞省豐富的化石遺傳,請致電或瀏 覽網頁查詢開放時間及入場費。 地址:1500 N Dinosaur Trail, Drumheller Internationally recognized palaeontology museum. World's largest display of complete dinosaur skeletons. Collection, preservation, research, display and interpretation of Alberta's rich fossil heritage. Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology 網址 : www.tyrrellmuseum.com 蘭敦鎮位於南亞省,在卡加利的南邊,2號和533號高速公路 的交界處,距離車程40分鐘。該鎮人口僅有2,100。 這小鎮十分寧靜、舒適和安全,其魅力吸引了眾多遊客,這些遊客都被其歷史悠久的標 誌、文化、博物館、活動和充滿活力體驗所吸引。其最出名的是位於當地的Bomber Command Museum of Canada和很多不同類型的古老和特色的商店。 Nanton is a small town which population is just over 2,100 residents. It is at the intersection between Highway 2 and 533 and located 40 minutes South of Calgary. Nanton's authentic charm attracts numerous visitors that are drawn to its historic icons, culture, museums, events and dynamic retail experiences. Nanton Town is famous for the local Bomber Command Museum of Canada and different kinds of ancient stores and special shops. 蘭敦鎮Nanton Town 前身為Lancaster空軍博物館,是亞伯達省Nanton鎮的航空博物 館。該博物館於1986年開放,其Avro Lancaster是世界上僅有的17個 博物館之一。 它的目標是紀念第二次世界大戰期間與轟炸機司令部有關的人員以及紀念亞伯 達省英聯邦航空培訓計劃的活動。該設施現在包括26,000平方呎的機庫區域和另外 3,000平 方呎地方用於展示較小的文物、航空藝術和講解相關資訊。還有劇院、圖書館/會議室,兩個 大型修復商店、零件存儲區和辦公室。 The Bomber Command Museum of Canada, formerly the Nanton Lancaster Society Museum, is an aviation museum in Nanton, Alberta. The museum opened in 1986 and is highlighted by its Avro Lancaster, one of only 17 remaining in the world. Its goals were to be the honouring of those associated with Bomber Command during World War II and the commemoration of the activities of the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan in Alberta. The facility now includes 26,000 square feet of hangar area and 3,000 square feet used for the display of smaller artifacts, aviation art, and related interpretive information. A theatre, library/ meeting room, two large restoration shops, parts storage area, and office complete the museum. 博物館 Bomber Command Museum of Canada 網址 : www.bombercommandmuseum.ca 89