卡加利生活百科 2022

樂 Entertainments Al l-in-One Guide to Calgary 2022 位於Pearce Estate公園內,中心內有不少老少咸宜的展覽區,可 增進對亞省魚類、野生動物、水源及其管理過程的認識。此外,遊客 亦可以參觀探索中心、Sam Livingston魚類養殖場、鱒魚池塘及Pearce Estate公園解說濕地。 電話 : 403-297-6561 地址 : 1440 - 17A St. SE, Calgary 網址 : www.bowhabitat.alberta.ca Bow Habitat Station - Located in Calgary's Pearce Estate Park. A great place to discover more about Alberta's fish, wildlife, water and i ts managemen t through handson exhibitions. Visitors may also visit Discovery Cen t r e , Sam L i v i n g s t o n Fish Hatchery, T r o u t P o n d , a n d P e a r c e E s t a t e P a r k Interpretat ive Wetland. 弓河自然生態中心 騎小馬、遊樂場、拖拉機和馬車以及巨大的沙箱,這是Butterfield Acres農場生活的開始。為每個家庭在友好而熱情的環境中親身體驗接 觸動物的機會。在農場提供家庭度過美好的一天,讓您的孩子夢想自 己擠山羊或養一隻新生羔羊。 電話:403-239-0638 地址 : 254077 Rocky Ridge Rd. NW 網址 : www.butterfieldacres.com Butterfield Acres - Pony rides, playgrounds, tractor and wagon rides, and a giant sandbox are just the start of life on the farm at Butterfield Acres. Hands on experiences give everyone in the family a c h a n c e t o e x p e r i e n c e barnyard animals i n a f r i e n d l y and welcoming e n v i r o nme n t . Enjoy a fami ly friendly day on the farm that will leave your kids dreaming of the day they milked a goat or pet a newborn lamb. Butterfield Acres 為加拿大中最大的文化中心,佔地七萬平方呎。其中央圓頂乃仿 照北京天壇的設計。內有博物館及畫廊提供有關中國文化的歷史及藝 術廊。 電話 : 403-262-5071 地址 : 197 - 1 St. SW, Calgary 網址 : www.culturalcentre.ca Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre - This is the largest stand alone cultural centre in Canada at 70,000 sq ft. Its great central dome is atterned after the Temple of Heaven in Bei j ing. There is a museum and gallery devoted to a historical overview of Chinese culture and an art gallery. 華埠中華文化中心 每年7月,連續10天,卡加利戴上白帽歡迎世界。地球上最大型的 戶外表演是最真實、最難忘的西方體驗。眾人皆牛仔打扮,目睹世界 頂級牛仔競技表演,激動人心的chuckwagon比賽、First Nation文化、 農業展示、現場音樂、騎蠻牛、騎野馬、套牛馬等,令人歎為觀止。 大家更參加早餐聚會、坐吊車、遊覽原住民村,觀賞燦爛的煙花,可 謂娛樂無窮! 電話:403-261-0101 地址 : 1410 Olympic Way SE, Calgary 網址 : www.calgarystampede.com Calgary Stampede - For 10 days and nights every July, Calgary puts on its white hat and welcomes the world. The Greatest Outdoor Show On Earth is the most authentic, memorable western experience. Y o u ' l l b e c ome a cowboy or cowgirl, witnessing the world's top rodeo, thri l l ing chuckwagon races, First Nation culture, Agriculture showcase, live music and much more. 卡城牛仔節 是加西最大的戶外娛樂公園。有32種驚險刺激的機動遊樂設施, 23種遊戲,現場舞台表演,3D影院和大量美食!門票包括無限次遊樂 入場,看表演,觀賞景點和停車場等。 電話 : 403-240-3822 地址 : 245033RangeRd. 33, Calgary 網址 : www.calawaypark.com Calaway Park - Western Canada's Largest Outdoor Family Amusement Park. Enjoy 32 rides, 23 games, live stage shows, a 3D theatre and tons of treats! Unlimited rides, shows, attractions and parking are included for one easy daily admission price. Calaway Park 卡 加 利 好 去 處 Calgary Attractions 79