卡加利生活百科 2022

48. When did Confederation take place? 同盟在何時誕生? July 1, 1867. 一八六七年七月一日。 49. Which four provinces first joined together in Confederation? 那四個省首先加入同盟? Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. 安大略、魁北克、紐賓士域及諾華士高沙。 50. List each province and territory and tell the year when each one joined Confederation. 列出每個省份及特區,並說出她們各自加入同盟的年份。 Provinces 省份 Years Joined 加盟年份 Ontario 安大略 1867 Québec 魁北克 1867 Nova Scotia 諾華士高沙 1867 New Brunswick 紐賓士域 1867 Manitoba 文尼吐巴 1870 British Columbia 卑詩 1871 Prince Edward Island 愛德華王子島 1873 Alberta 亞伯達 1905 Saskatchewan 沙市吉允 1905 Newfoundland and Labrador 紐芬蘭和拉布拉多 1949 Territories 特區 Years Joined 加盟年份 Northwest Territories 西北特區 1870 Yukon 于康 1898 Nunavut 紐娜納 1999 51. What does "Dominion from Sea to Sea" refer to? “從海到海的自治嶺”是指什麼? Three oceans line Canada's frontiers: the Pacific Ocean in the west, the Atlantic Ocean in the east, and the Arctic Ocean to the north. 加拿大的邊界三面環海:西面的太平洋,東面的大西洋和北面的北極洋。 52. Which was the last province to join Canada? 那一個是最後加盟加拿大的省份? Newfoundland and Labrador. 紐芬蘭和拉布拉多。 53. On what date did Nunavut become a territory? 紐娜納在那一天成為特區? April 1, 1999. 一九九九年四月一日。 54. When is Canada Day and what does it celebrate? 加拿大日是在那一天以及它慶祝的內容是什麼? Each year on July 1. It celebrates the anniversary of Confederation. 每年的七月一日。它是慶祝同盟誕生的週年紀念。 55. Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada? 那一位是加拿大的第一任總理? Sir John A. Macdonald. 約翰麥當奴爵士。 56. Why is Louis Riel seen by many as a hero? 為什麼路易士.瑞爾被很多人視為英雄? He defended theMétis'rights by leading rebellions until his capture in 1885. 因為他為保護美地人的權利而發動了叛亂,直至他在1885年被逮捕為止。 57. Why did Sir John A. Macdonald establish the North West Mounted Police in 1873? 為什麼約翰麥當奴總理在1873年成立西北騎警? To pacify the West and assist in negotiations with the First Nations. 為了平定加拿大西部,並協助政府與第一國民談判。 58. What did Ottawa promise to build when British Columbia joined Canada? 在卑斯省加入加拿大時,渥太華政府承諾建設什麼? They promised to build a railway across the Prairies to the Pacific coast. 他們承諾修築一條橫貫草原直抵太平洋海岸的鐵路。 59. What did the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) symbolize? 加拿大太平洋鐵路象徵著什麼? A powerful symbol of the unity of the east & west coasts of Canada. 它是加拿大東西兩岸聯合的有力象徵。 Important Information for Newcomers 新移民重要資訊 Al l-in-One Guide to Calgary 2022 60. When was the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) finished? 加拿大太平洋鐵路何時竣工? November 7, 1885. 一八八五年十一月七日。 61. Who played an important role in building the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR)? 誰在修築太平洋鐵路的工程中擔當了重要的角色? European and Chinese labourers. 來自歐洲和中國的勞工。 62. What was the "Head Tax" ? 什麼是“人頭稅”? Race-based entry fee charged for Chinese entering Canada. 人頭稅是向移居加拿大的中國人所收取的一種基於種族而設立的入境 費用。 63. How many Canadian soldiers were killed in the First World War? 有多少加拿大士兵在第一次世界大戰中犧牲? 60,000. 六萬。 64. Why is the battle of Vimy Ridge important to Canadians? 為什麼維米嶺戰役對加拿大人十分重要? It has come to symbolize Canada's coming of age as a nation. 這場戰役象徵著加拿大進入一個成為獨立國家的時代。 65. What did the Women's Suffrage movement achieve? 婦女投票運動的成就是什麼? Women got the right to vote. 女性獲得投票權。 66. Who is was the first woman MP in Canada? 誰是加拿大的第一位女性國會議員? Agnes MacPhail became the first woman MP in 1921. Agnes MacPhail在1921年成為第一位女性國會議員。 67. What is the meaning behind wearing a poppy during Remembrance Day? 在榮軍紀念日配戴一個紅色的罌粟花襟章代表什麼? To commemorate the sacr i f ice of Canadian soldiers and peacekeepers. 是代表紀念在戰爭中犧牲的加拿大軍人及維和士兵。 68. Who composed the poem "In Flanders Fields", which is often recited on Remembrance Day? 誰撰寫了詩篇"In Flanders Fields"? 該詩篇經常在榮軍紀念日被吟誦。 Canadian medical officer Lt. Col. John McCrae. 加拿大的軍醫John McCrae陸軍中校。 69. What date was the "D-day"? "D-day"是那一天? June 6, 1944. 一九四四年六月六日。 70. What did Canadian troops achieve on "D-day" during the Second World War? 加拿大軍隊在第二次世界大戰中的 "D-day"取得了什麼成就? They captured Juno Beach as part of the Allied invasion of Normandy. 他們在盟軍攻打諾曼第的戰役中,成功攻佔朱諾海灘。 71. Approximately how many Canadians served in the Second World War? 大約有多少加拿大人在二次世界大戰中服役? More than 1 million. 超過一百萬人。 72. How many Canadian soldiers were killed in the Second World War? 有 多少加拿大士兵在第二次世界大戰中犧牲? 44,000. 四萬四千人。 D. Modern Canada 現代加拿大 73. List the international organizations that Canada joined to. 列舉加拿大所參加的國際組織。 GATT (now WTO), NATO, NORAD, UN. 關貿總協定(今天的世界貿易 組織),北大西洋公約組織,北美空中防禦指揮系統,聯合國。 74. In 1950 to 1953, Canada participated in a war defending South Korea. What was the war? 從1950到1953年,加拿大參與了一場保衛南韓的戰爭。這場戰爭叫 什麼名字? Korea War. 韓國戰爭。 54