卡加利生活百科 2022

A. Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship 公民的權利與義務 1. What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship? 公民入籍宣誓時,你會承諾什麼? I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada and fulfill my duties as a Canadian citizen. 我將效忠加拿大女皇陛下伊麗沙伯二世和她的後裔及她的繼承人,並且 我將忠誠地遵守加拿大法律及履行一個加拿大公民的義務。 2. What are the key documents that list the rights and freedoms of Canadian citizens? 與加拿大公民權利和自由有關的重要文件是什麼? 1). Magna Carta 大憲章 2). Habeas corpus 人身保護權 3). Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms 加拿大權利及自由憲章 3. What are some rights that Canadian citizens enjoy? 加拿大公民享受那些權利? - Mobility Rights 遷移權利 - Aboriginal People's Rights 原住民權利 - Official Language Rights and Minonity Language Educational Right 官方語言及少數族裔語言教育權利 - Multiculturalism 多元文化主義 - The Right to Vote 投票權 4. What are the fundamental freedoms that Canadian citizens have? 加拿大公民享有那些基本自由? - Freedom of conscience and religion 道德及宗教自由 - Freedom of thought 思想自由 - Freedom of belief 信念自由 - Freedom of opinion 意見自由 - Freedom of expression 言論自由 - Freedom of peaceful assembly 和平集會自由 - Freedom of association 結社自由 5. What are some responsibilities of Canadian citizens? 加拿大公民的義務包括那些? - Obeying Canada's laws 遵守加拿大法律 - Taking responsibility for oneself and one's family 對自己及家人負責 - Serving on a jury 擔任陪審團 - Voting in elections 在選舉中投票 - Helping others in the community 在社區中幫助他人 - Protecting and enjoying Canada's heritage and environment 保護及享受加拿大的傳統及環境 6. What are the sources of Canadian law? 加拿大法律的本源是什麼? The sources include laws passed by Parliament and the provincial legislatures, English common law, the civil code of France and the unwritten constitution that we have inherited from Great Britain. 其本源包括在國會及省議會通過的法律、英國民法、法國民事法典、以 及從英國繼承的不成文憲法。 7. When did the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms become part of the Canadian Constitution? 加拿大權利及自由憲章何時成為加拿大憲法的一部份? In 1982. 在一九八二年。 8. Why is the Constitution Act of 1982 important in Canadian history? 為什麼一九八二年的憲法條約在加拿大的歷史上如此重要? The Constitution Act allowed us to change our Constitution without asking the British Government for approval. 憲法條約准許我們自行修改憲法而無需徵求英國政府的同意。 9. Who has the right to apply for a Canadian passport? 誰有權利申請加拿大護照? Canadian citizen. 加拿大公民。 10. What is meant by the equality of women and men? 男女平等是什麼意思? Men and women are equal under the law. 在法律上,男女均獲平等的對待。 11. Give some examples of how you can show responsibility by participating in your community. 舉出一些你如何通過參與社區活動來體現你履行義務的例子。 - Helping people in need 幫助有需要的人 - Assisting at your child's school 在你孩子就讀的學校中幫忙 - Volunteering for a charity 在慈善團體中擔任義工 - Encouraging newcomers to integrate 鼓勵新移民融入社會 B. Who we are 我們是誰 12. Who were the three founding peoples of Canada? 那些人是創立加拿大的三群人? Aboriginal, French and British. 原住民、法國人及英國人。 13. Who are the Aboriginal peoples in Canada? 誰是加拿大的原住民? Aboriginal peoples were the first people to live in Canada many thousands of years ago. 原住民是指那些早在數千年前就開始在加拿大居住的人。 14. Which three groups of people does the term "Aboriginal peoples" refer to?“原住民”一詞語是指那三群人? First Nations, Inuit and Métis. 第一國民、煙勞人及美地人。 15. What does the word "Inuit" mean?“煙勞”一詞是什麼意思? It means "the people" in the Inuktitut language. 在伊努特語中,煙勞是“人”的意思。 16. Where do Inuit live in Canada? 煙勞人居住在加拿大的什麼地方? They live in scattered communities across the Arctic. 他們分散居住在北極。 17. Who are the Métis? 誰是美地人? The Métis are a distinct group of people of mixed Aboriginal and European ancestry. 美地人是原住民和早期歐洲移民通婚的後裔。 18. Where do the majority of Métis live in Canada? 大部分美地人居住在加拿大的什麼地方? Most Métis live in the Prairie Provinces. 他們大部分住在草原省份。 19. What is the percentage of Aboriginal peoples in Canada? 加拿大原住民人口中三群人所佔比例多少? 65% are First Nations, 30% are Métis, and 4% are Inuit. 第一國民佔65%、美地人佔30%、煙勞人佔4%。 20. Which is the only officially bilingual province in Canada? 那個省是加拿大唯一官方使用雙語的省份? New Brunswick. 紐賓士域省。 21. Which country did the first European settlers in Canada come from? 最初定居加拿大的歐洲移民來自那個國家? France. 法國。 加拿大公民入籍考試練習題 Citizenship Test Practice Questions Important Information for Newcomers 新移民重要資訊 Al l-in-One Guide to Calgary 2022 52