
HONOURABLE JOHN HORGAN PREMIER OF BRITISH COLUMBIA A MESSAGE FROM PREMIER JOHN HORGAN As Premier of the Province of British Columbia, I’m pleased to extend my warmest congratulations to Sing Tao Daily (BC Edition) on celebrating 38 years in production. One of British Columbia’s greatest assets is our vibrant cultural diversity, and that is reflected in the wide range of exceptional media available to the people who call this province home. Since 1983, Sing Tao Daily has been consistent in delivering on its mission of accurate, credible and thorough reporting on local and national issues relevant to the Chinese Community. Throughout the many challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has presented, Sing Tao Daily has continued to publish without interruption, providing readers with a reliable source for daily Chinese language news, which speaks to the unwavering commitment of their dedicated staff. This anniversary is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on what Sing Tao Daily and our communities have achieved together, and I want to express my appreciation to the Sing Tao BC team for their contributions to the enrichment of media in BC. Your hard work helps to ensure our communities remain diverse and welcoming places for everyone. Please accept my best wishes for the continued prosperity of Sing Tao Dai ly (BC Edition) and its readers. 38年來,溫哥華星島日 報一直以服務社區,為民喉 舌為己任。回顧過去一年, 新冠疫情令世界起了翻天 覆地的變化,感謝星島日報 的員工在疫情之下能謹守崗 位,每日為讀者提供資訊, 令讀者能夠在家中也能知天 下事。 疫情之下,很多人的生 活模式也起了變化。居家工 作,網上閱讀、訂餐、購物 亦變成了新常態。星島日報順應潮流,投入更多資源發展網上 新聞及業務。我們的目標是把【星Club】購物平台發展成北美第 一的華人電商平台,迎合新時代的來臨。 本人在此感謝多年來廣大讀者的支持及員工的努力。祝各 位身體健康,生活愉快。 加拿大星島傳媒集團加西總經理 黎家盛 報慶賀辭 加拿大星島傳媒集團加西總經理 黎家盛 STDSUP,LL20210111,#1 Thu Aug 26 2021 16:15:34 GMT-0700 廣告熱線: 604-321-1111 卑 詩 版 周 年 報 慶 特 刊 S3 2021年8月29日 星期日