如果想把開揚寬敞的環境和中餐美食結合在一起,婚宴中菜到會 服務是個兩全其美的選擇,在多倫多,粵私房便是這種服務的表表者。 粵私房的負責人Harvey Tam說他們處理過的中菜到會服務,由小 至5、6圍,到超過85圍均可應付自如,所需費用則視乎所挑選的菜單 及場地而定,客戶既可選擇由場地、菜單、服務及酒水的一條龍服務, 也可以自行安排場地,再由粵私房提供筵席菜式和侍應服務。「一般來 說,10圍的話,每名賓客的預算約在200元至220元間,圍數較多則約 是180元一位。」 由於是到會服務,事前要做好準備聯絡安排。Harvey表示一對新 人通常在婚禮舉行前一年已經訂好場地和到會服務,確保可以在熱門吉 日順利成親。「婚禮9個月前便要着手聯繫不同環節,看是否有何特別 要求;6個月前便要把這些安排確定下來;2個月前便要試菜,看是否需 要調節菜單,定好筵席流程等;到婚禮舉行前的一個星期,所有事項都 應該要安排好。」 婚宴到會當晚的所有菜式,由8道大菜、飯麵和甜品組成,這12款 菜品都是由粵私房即場烹製,所以無論是溫度、味道和賣相均能以最佳 狀態奉上。最常見的菜式包括乳豬、龍蝦、魚和雞,但他們也會因應客 人要求而度身設計菜單。「在事先咨詢的時候,我們會問賓客多數是哪 類人,如果是洋人或在加拿大土生土長的比例較高的話,他們不是太接 受原條蒸魚,或是魚翅鮑魚等菜式,便會建議炸蟹箝等來取代。由於菜 單是度身設計的,我們也可以中菜西做,融入西式製法,威靈頓鮑魚便 是其中一個好例子。」 至於所提供的侍應服務,粵私房會安排一個侍應最多服務兩桌,相 比一般酒樓由兩名侍應服務五桌,會更加周到和有效率,配合新人預先 要求的流程,在3個小時完成婚宴,讓他們留下美好回憶。 For those seeking to blend sumptous settings with exquisite Chinese cuisine, catering services for Chinese banquets prove to be an ideal choice. In Toronto, Rovey Banquet Services exemplifies such service. Rovey owner Harvey Tam says its Cantonese cuisine private kitchen caters to wedding banquets large and small, from as few as five tables to more than 85. Prices vary, depending on the menu and venue chosen. Rovey offers start-to-finish services, encompassing arrangements at the venue, menus, and food-and-beverage service and staff. “The general budget range for a 10-table banquet is about $200 to $220 per guest, or down to $180 for larger banquets,” Tam says. Pre-banquet liaison and arrangements are essential. Tam says venue and catering booking should be made up to a year in advance in order to have everything lined up, especially on highly sought-after dates. “Start all arrangements at least nine months ahead of the set date and explore if there are special requirements,” Tam says. “Confirm all arrangements six months ahead and then have a tasting two months prior to finalize the menu and banquet flow. A week before the wedding, all arrangements should be in place.” Banquet menus usually comprise eight main courses, finishing off with rice and noodles and dessert. Harvey makes all 12 menu items on site to deliver dishes with the optimal temperature, freshness and presentation. Other than the usual dishes, such as roast piglet, lobster, fish and chicken, Tam also tailors menus to customers’ wishes. “In the pre-banquet consultation, we ask customers the profile of the guests,” Tam says. “If there are more Caucasians, or people born and bred in Canada who are not partial to steamed whole fish, shark fin soup or abalone, we will suggest alternatives, such as deep-fried crab claws. As all menus are customized, we can provide exciting fusion dishes, such as Abalone Wellington.” Serving staff are responsible for no more than two tables, ensuring attentive and efficient service. The banquet itself can be completed within three hours and help create sweet memories with a satiating feast. ROVEy BAnQuET SERVICES rovey.ca E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 89