ProvisionsTO由創始人兼執行總廚Kevin Castonguay領軍的團隊 將世界各地不同的美食風味兼收並蓄,配以手工調製的雞尾酒,打造 出自己的特色。Castonguay的豐富烹飪經驗涵蓋了美洲、亞洲(尤其 是中國、印度、日本、韓國和泰國)、英國、卡真、法國、俄羅斯、 西班牙和意大利等菜系。 ProvisionsTO製作的菜式包括搭配薯條絲的珍寶蟹、撒上老海灣 薯片和黑松露的大西洋龍蝦卷,還有抱子甘藍禦好燒、AAA級乾式熟 成烤肋眼牛排、烤哈裡薩辣醬章魚和那不勒斯風格的披薩。其它還有 以本地人喜愛的Famiglia Baldassarre意麵為特色的菜式、擺滿Gloryhole甜甜圈的甜點吧,或用Soma巧克力製作的法式奶油布丁碗。 無論是雞尾酒式小食、宴席,還是自助餐、迷你餐台,這家全方 位服務的公司甚至還提供租賃、活動設計和花藝設計,以及DJ、攝影 師、攝像師等服務。無論活動規模大小,需求都能得到滿足。 值得一提的是,ProvisionsTO為很多大型活動提供了餐飲服務, 其中有著名的多倫多Luminato藝穗節開幕夜、國王賽馬會、女王賽馬 會、有2,500賓客的玫瑰野餐會等。ProvisionsTO的雞尾酒會餐飲服務 起價50元/位,內含餐食、租賃和服務人員費用。如果是宴席,收費根 據菜單及配套體驗而定,由125元/位至200元/位不等。 Making everything from scratch, ProvisionsTO is led by founder and executive chef Kevin Castonguay, who injects global flavours into the mouthwatering culinary experience that is matched by handcrafted cocktails. Castonguay’s deep culinary catalogue spans the Americas, Asia (notably Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Korean and Thai), as well as British, Cajun, French, Russian, Spanish and Italian cuisines. This is where dungeness crab is served on potato hay and Atlantic lobster rolls are dusted with Old Bay potato chips and black truffles. There is also Brussels sprout okonomiyaki, a AAA dry aged grilled ribeye, grilled harissa octopus and neapolitan-style pizzas. Other highlights might include pasta courses using local favourite Famiglia Baldassarre, a dessert bar filled with Gloryhole doughnuts or a pot de crème using Soma’s chocolate. Available to cater to any need, whether it’s cocktail-style passed canapes, a plated sit-down event, buffets or food stations, the full-service operation even provides rentals, event design and floral arrangements, dJs, photographers, videographers and more. There is no event too small or big. The team has catered a number of prestigious events, like Luminato Festival’s opening night, both King’s and Queen’ Plate events, as well as the Rose Picnic and its staggering 2,500 guests. Pricing starts at $50 per person, which covers food, rentals and staffing for a cocktail reception. For sit-down experiences, rates range from $125 to $200 per person depending on the menu choice and package experience. PROVISIOnSTO CATERInG & EVEnTS E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 87