Luxe Wedding Soirée是以晚會的形式舉行,旨在為準新人 及與會者提供迷人而精緻的氛圍,讓他們沉浸在奢華婚禮策劃 的世界中,即場體現豪華婚禮的宏偉氣派和精緻細節。 在酒店宴會廳內,裝點了成千上百的鮮花正等待着參加 者的到來。從300磅重的天花板花卉裝置到懸垂在展場上方的 1,000條晶瑩水晶串、裝置了精美背景的黑色T台到擺滿了名 貴白色金邊全套餐具的餐桌和家具組合,把酒店宴會廳即時變 身,成為了巴黎時尚風格的婚禮場景。 這個豪華婚禮晚會以美食、文化、時裝表演及文娛表演為 準新人帶來靈感,今屆主題是Luxe Entertainment Edition,讓 賓客們能有身臨其境的切身感受,沉浸在有如預先演習的婚禮 之夜,在美侖美奐的裝飾及美酒美食的環繞下,能與精心挑選 的婚禮活動供應商愉快交談,瞭解一系列由供應商提供的婚禮 服務。 Luxe Wedding Soirée takes the form of an evening soirée, designed to provide couples and attendees with a charming and refined atmosphere, immersing them into the world of luxury wedding planning, and showcasing the grandeur and exquisite details of luxury weddings in real time. The hotel ballroom was transformed into a Parisian-style wedding, featuring hundreds of flowers, including a 135-kilogram ceiling floral installation. Some 1,000 crystal strands were suspended above the exhibition area. A black runway adorned with exquisite backdrops, tables and furniture sets, complete with precious white and gold-trimmed tableware, added to the ambiance. The highlight of this luxurious wedding event is the fusion of food, culture, fashion shows and entertainment, with the theme of Luxe Entertainment Edition. Guests can immerse themselves in an experiential evening akin to a rehearsal for their own weddings, surrounded by lavish decorations and featuring delicious food and drinks. They can also engage in delightful conversations with carefully selected wedding service providers, learning about a range of services available. 大會把展場設計成了婚宴場景,讓賓客有身臨其景的現場感受。 精彩的娛樂活動和文娛表演,為構思婚禮流程時帶來新意。 The exhibition hall, designed as a wedding banquet scene, provides guests with an immersive experience. Exciting entertainment activities and performances bring new ideas to wedding planning. E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 74 Bridal supplement