
身穿一襲漂亮婚紗,在自己的婚禮上美若天仙,這應該是 很多女孩子的夢想吧?選擇什麼顏色、款式,設計上要達到哪 些細節,真正要覓得夢想的婚紗可能是一個困難重重的過程。 一開始,你會貨比三家,然後向你的親人、朋友徵詢意 見,造訪的商家越多,聽到的意見越多,你可能越是困惑,越 是舉棋不定。在這個過程中如果有經驗豐富的專家給你指點, 一定會豁然開朗,事半功倍。 三年前,《el iteGen星尚》曾訪問位於溫哥華列治文漁 人碼頭的Mia Boutique Bridal & Occasions「美人婚紗」,這 次為了製作婚紗專題,特地再訪這間連續8年榮獲消費者選擇 獎,享有溫哥華地區最頂級婚紗店美譽的店鋪。 Wearing a beautiful wedding gown, and looking as stunning as can be is the dream of every upcoming bride. However finding the perfect wedding dress, in terms of colour, style and design, can be one of the most stressful experiences in the process. You might start by shopping around, and then getting feedback from family and close friends. The more vendors you visit, the more confused you may become. This is the time when you really need to engage an experienced bridal specialist, who can guide you through this process. Three years ago, eliteGen first spoke with Ella Lau, owner of Mia Boutique Bridal & Occasions, located at Richmond’s popular Steveston Fisherman’s Wharf. We were eager to visit her again to gain her insights into the current and upcoming wedding trends and to personally congratulate her for winning the Consumer Choice Award as the top bridal store in the Vancouver region for eight years running. 荷葉邊領口與A字長裙互相輝映。 配有蕾絲泡泡袖的無肩帶蕾絲縐紗連身裙。 全珠飾蕾絲上裝搭配米卡多A字裙,散發出優雅的魅力。 The scalloped, lace-trimmed top complements the satin A-line skirt. 「美人婚紗」位於溫哥華列治文漁人碼頭。 Mia is located at Richmond’s popular Steveston Fisherman’s Wharf. 「美人婚紗」連續八年榮獲溫哥華地區頂級婚紗店消費者選擇獎。 Top bridal store in the Vancouver region for eight years running. Ella Lau最近在美國亞特蘭大採購之旅時,與粉紅芭比主題模特合照。 Ella Lau was with Barbie pink-themed models during a recent buying trip in Atlanta. The strapless lace and crepe dress comes with matching lace puff sleeves. A beaded lace top exudes elegant glamour with a mikado A-line skirt. E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 69