自己動手做? 現實中絕大部分新人會選擇由花藝公司來代勞。像 OMG Events這樣的公司就提供全設計、全服務,從花 束、大型花卉組合,到拱門、特色天花板裝飾等,項目豐 富多樣。 花藝隨心愿 新人們與這樣的公司討論花卉安排,可以告知自己 的愛情故事、對婚禮的願景等。花卉公司當然也會準備一 些問題讓新人回答,以瞭解新人的需求。Damouni遇到不 少新人對花藝的選擇不知所措,對此,她通常會創建一個 Pinterest婚禮畫板,新人們只需將任何他們喜歡的圖片固 定在畫板上。她會根據這些圖片判斷新人是喜歡光滑的花 朵還是荷葉邊的花朵,喜歡婚禮中心花飾的結構是緊湊還 是鬆散。 它只屬於你 歸根結底,無論是遵循最新的潮流,還是選擇更個性 化的方式,關鍵在於打造一個最能反映新人獨特愛情故事 和個人風格的婚禮。精心選擇能與新人們產生共鳴的花卉 元素,賦予婚禮特別的意義和美感,這樣的婚禮將為新人 和到場賓客帶來永生難忘的回憶。 CAn I DIY? Floral design and installation can be overwhelming and stressful, so it is one area of a wedding that is best handled by professionals. Companies like OMG Events offer comprehensive design and installation, ranging from bouquets and large floral installations to arches and unique backdrops. hOW TO WOrk WITh A FLOrAL COMPAnY The first step is to share their wedding vision and preferences. Designers usually have a list of questions to help them understand the couple’s needs. Damouni says she also tries to gather other details about the wedding, such as bridal party attire, invitation design, gift considerations and entertainment activities, to help determine the floral style. however, sometimes couples just do not know what they want. In such cases, she typically creates a Pinterest wedding board so they can pin any images they like. Based on these images, she can get a sense of their preference in colours, flower choices and arrangement styles. They can then recommend designs within the given budget given and invite couples to view floral samples and visualize the wedding setup. IT IS YOur BIG DAY ultimately, whether couples choose to follow the latest trends or opt for a more personalized approach, the key is to create a wedding that reflects their unique love story and individual style. By carefully selecting floral elements that resonate with them personally, couples can infuse their wedding with meaning and beauty, creating unforgettable memories for themselves and their guests to cherish for years to come. E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 67