
預算花心思 對於預算,新人們一定要心中有數,再根據這個預算和整個婚禮 的程式,設計出花藝佈置的藍圖。節省資金的方法之一是選擇絲花或 將其與鮮花結合使用。過去的五年裡絲花業發展很快,新技術和工藝 令它們在視覺和觸覺上都非常逼真。 Damouni介紹說,婚禮花藝的價格隨花藝佈置大小和花卉數量而 定。追求極簡主義或鄉村風格的新人可能在佈置上很低調,僅要求幾 朵簡單的手捆式花,60元就可達成;品種和花朵稍微多一點的佈置由 100元到180元不等;較高較大的佈置可能在130元至350元之間。另 外,因需要批量購買花卉,會有一筆最低收費需要加入預算之中。 Damouni理解新人們都希望實現預算的最大化,她建議新人列 出一個優先順序表。如果花藝被排在前五名,那就應該分配多一點資 金。在整個活動空間中增加獨特的元素,實現360度設計,譬如大堂的 特色座位圖牆、精美裝飾的舞池、大量的蠟燭和有區域層次錯落的照 明,可以產生戲劇性效果,展現出一個盡善盡美的婚禮。 On BuDGETInG Damouni explains that the price of wedding floral arrangements depends on their size and the quantity of flowers used. Couples aiming for minimalism or a rustic style may require just a few simple hand-tied bouquets, and that can be done for as little as $60. Arrangements with a slightly greater variety and quantity of flowers can range from $100 to $180, while larger, more elaborate setups may fall between $130 and $350. Additionally, due to the need to purchase flowers in bulk, there may be a minimum charge that needs to be factored into the budget. understanding couples’ desire to maximize their budget, Damouni suggests that couples prioritize their spending by creating a priority list. If floral arrangements are within the top five priorities, then more funds should be allocated accordingly. Adding unique elements throughout the event space, achieving a 360-degree design, such as a feature seating chart wall in the foyer, exquisitely decorated dance floor, abundant candles and layered lighting, can create a dramatic effect, showcasing a perfectly executed wedding. E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 66 Bridal supplement