
選花隨季節 花卉品種繁多,每個季節各有特色,當季花卉是最自然的選擇。 玫瑰、繡球花、康乃馨、鬱金香、石竹花、菊花及綠葉植物,都在加 拿大普遍種植,易於獲得且壽命較長,是婚禮常用的花卉。如果這些 花被放在冰箱中保存,並由專業花藝師來操作,在婚禮前兩天進行現 場佈置就可以了。 如果新人特別想要某種花卉而當季沒有,最好的方法是用絲花來 代替,因為從國外進口鮮花麻煩又昂貴。當然,如果新人認定某種非 當季的鮮花對他們的婚禮有特別意義,價格又不是問題,那像OMG Events這樣的花藝公司可以向他們的供應商或遍佈全球的花卉農場訂 購。價格會因花卉而異,例如不在季節的火鳥花可能每支的成本高達 16元。 In TunE WITh ThE SEASOnS Seasonal flowers are the most natural choice. roses, hydrangeas, carnations, tulips, dianthus, chrysanthemums and green foliage are commonly grown in Canada and readily available. They also have a longer lifespan, making them popular choices for weddings. If couples have a specific flower in mind that is not in season, the best option might be to use silk flowers rather than importing fresh flowers from abroad, which can be troublesome and expensive. however, if couples are set on a particular out-of-season flower and price is not a concern, they can be specially ordered. Prices may vary depending on the flowers. For example, out-of-season birds of paradise may cost as much as $16 per stem. E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 65