LOCATIOn, LOCATIOn, LOCATIOn After determining the style theme, the next step is location. The layout of the wedding venue plays a crucial role. For instance, for an intimate wedding at Graydon hall Manor with 80 seated guests, Damouni suggests using low floral arrangements with tall candles as accents. however, if it is a 500-guest reception in a large convention centre, she recommends multiple arrangements with staggering heights to ensure visual impact in such a large space. Incorporating floral arrangements into seating charts, high tables, bar areas, backdrops for the main table, dance floor and aisle decor is a major trend this year. For a perfect look, Damouni suggests amassing the arrangements near the reception and head table. If more floral decorations are desired, a little extra can be added next to every object in the venue. 選址很重要 在確定了風格主題後,下一步就是如何佈置了。婚禮場地的佈局 是一個重要因素,Damouni舉例說,在多倫多Graydon Hall Manor舉 行的一場婚禮,只有80位客人,她就建議以低矮的鮮花為中心,用較 高的蠟燭作點綴。但如果是在空間很大的會議中心舉辦500位賓客的宴 會,她會建議佈置多個花卉,而且有高低錯落不同層次,以確保在巨 大空間中產生視覺衝擊。 將花藝添加到座位圖、高腳桌、吧台和浴室區、主桌和舞池後的 懸掛裝置、過道,是今年的一大趨勢。要想達到完美,Damouni提供 了一個簡便的方法,即用絲花集中裝飾接待桌和主桌周圍的區域。如 果希望花卉更多一些,那就在場內的每個物件旁邊再加上一點。 E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 64 Bridal supplement