
鞋子裡的六便士 傳統說六便士硬幣由新娘的父親放進新娘的左腳鞋子裡。遺憾 的是,英國的六便士早已不再流通,但只要花上幾塊錢就能從網上買 到替代品。北美的新娘通常用一分硬幣代替六便士。鞋子裡有一枚硬 幣,走路肯定會不舒服,如果換成一個帶有硬幣圖案的腳踝鏈呢?既 賦予傳統一種新意,又避免了傷腳和不適。從現代意義上說,左腳戴 腳踝鏈是暗示已婚或有着穩定的關係哦。 anD a SIxpenCe In your Shoe Custom says the father of the bride should place the coin in the bride’s left shoe. alas, the British sixpence is no longer in circulation, but you can still buy them online for a few dollars. north american brides usually substitute the sixpence with a penny. however, it cannot be comfortable walking with a coin in your shoe! to give the tradition a twist, how about an anklet with a coin motif? In some cultures, an anklet worn on the left ankle can indicate that the person wearing it is married or in a committed relationship. 柔和粉紅 玫瑰花,玫瑰色,玫瑰香,與其一 切都是玫瑰,不如給賓客一個驚喜,選 擇「牡丹與胭紅麂絨」。這款香氛富於 奢華、魅惑感,宛如將賓客輕輕柔柔地 環抱起來。 薰衣草紫 薰衣草香氣出現在婚禮上似乎缺少了些驚 喜。「藍風鈴」會將客人帶入一片潮濕的森林 花叢中。這款香氛充滿鳶尾花的淡雅香氣,清 新而明亮。 romantIC SoFt pInk a rose is a rose is a r se. Surprise guests instead with peony and Blush Suede, which brings a luxurious, flirtatious opulence that is soft and enveloping. LavenDer purpLe a lavender scent is too predictable. transport guests into a dewy world of woodland flowers with Wild Bluebell. Suffused with lily of the valley, this delicate scent is dewy and luminous. E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 61