奶油香檳 如果婚禮的主題顏色是奶油香檳 色,可以嘗試多汁的杏桃花、水蜜桃與 黑醋栗搭配出的「杏桃花與蜂蜜」。賓 客會認為婚禮真的用香檳來調香了。 Creamy Champagne If your theme colour is creamy champagne, try the succulent, playful and bubbly nectarine Blossom and honey. your guests will think you scented your wedding with actual champagne. 當準新人開始籌備婚禮時,往往會忽視一個細 節——香氛。殊不知,大婚之日那氤氳的香氣,會刻入 記憶,陪伴一生。Jo Malone London的「香氛婚禮」訂 製服務,將美妙的香味與婚禮的浪漫氣息融為一體。 在與Jo Malone London教育經理Joe Dovisio的獨 家訪談中,我們深入探討了香氣選擇的複雜性以及它所 具有的神奇魅力。從新婚夫婦個人使用的香水,到婚禮 現場的芳香氛圍,Jo Malone London為每對夫婦量身訂 製,用香氛來講述他們的獨特愛情故事,給他們帶來全 感官的幸福體驗。 「香氣有着引發回憶的非凡作用,」Dovisio一再強 調選擇完美婚禮香氣的重要性。借助Jo Malone London 的專業指導,新人們可以選擇與新娘花束、季節性花 朵,甚至婚禮主題顏色相搭配的香氣,確保婚禮每個細 節都富於深意。 Jo Malone London非常注重香氣的層次,用不同的 香水組合創造出獨一無二的嗅覺體驗。從由白天到夜晚 逐漸過渡的香氣,到新娘新郎同一基調的獨特香氣,配 搭組合的選擇非常豐富。 Dovisio說:「我喜歡玩味香氣,我相信香水就是用 來玩味的。」Jo Malone London的訂製香氣充滿創意, 超過30種誘人的香水,如「英國梨與小蒼蘭」、「牡丹 與胭紅麂絨」等,帶領新人們展開他們的新婚之旅。 除了香氣選擇之外,Jo Malone專賣店還為新人們及 其婚禮派對提供一系列免費奢華體驗,其中包括手、臂 按摩,在香水、香薰瓶和蠟燭上裝飾個性化雕刻,每個 細節都經過精心策劃,令新人們身心舒暢,極盡感官之 愉。 對新婚夫婦來說,婚姻可謂是一次冒險之旅,飄蕩 在他們婚禮上的迷人香氣,在婚姻的未來旅途中,將會 時時提醒他們愛情的本質和它的珍貴。將這份香氣存儲 入瓶中,珍藏於記憶。 香味與顏色 採訪中,Dovisio推薦了一些與婚禮主題顏色相搭配 的香氣,其中包括古龍水、家居香氛、蠟燭,以及沐浴 和護膚產品可供選擇的香氣,新人們可依自己的心願以 多種方式為婚禮調香。 as couples embark on the journey of planning their wedding day, one often overlooked detail is the scent that will linger in the air, etching memories for years to come. enter Jo malone London’s “Scent your Wedding” service, where the art of fragrance becomes intertwined with the romance of the big day. In an exclusive interview with Joe Dovisio, education manager at Jo malone London, we delve into the intricacies of scent selection and the transformative power it holds. From personal fragrances worn by the bride and groom, to infusing the wedding venue with ambiance, Jo malone London offers a bespoke experience tailored to each couple’s unique love story. “Scents have the remarkable ability to evoke memories,” says Dovisio, emphasizing the significance of choosing the perfect wedding scent. With Jo malone London’s expert guidance, couples can select fragrances inspired by the bridal bouquet, seasonal blooms, or even the wedding theme colour, ensuring every aspect of the day is imbued with meaning and sentimentality. Central to Jo malone London’s philosophy is the art of scent layering, where fragrances are combined to create a truly unique olfactory experience. Whether transitioning from day to night, or crafting individual scents for the bride and groom with a common “base,” the possibilities are endless. “I like to play with fragrances, and I believe fragrances are meant to be played,” remarks Dovisio, highlighting the brand’s innovative approach to scent customization. With more than 30 fragrances boasting evocative names like “english pear and Freesia” and “peony and Blush Suede,” Jo malone London invites couples to explore a world of olfactory delights. Beyond scent selection, Jo malone boutiques offer an array of other complimentary indulgent experiences for couples and their bridal parties. From hand and arm massages, to personalized engraving services on fragrance bottles, candles and diffusers, every detail is meticulously curated to enhance the sensory journey. as couples embark on their marital adventure, Jo malone London ensures that their wedding day is not only visually stunning, but also infused with the intoxicating allure of fragrance—a cherished reminder of love’s enduring essence, housed in a bottle. FragranCe By CoLour We asked Dovisio for his recommended scents, based on the following wedding theme colours. his recommendations are all scents that are available as cologne, home and candles, as well as bath and body products, allowing you to scent your wedding in as many ways as your heart desires. Scents have the remarkable ability to evoke memories E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 59