Potenza煥發膠原蛋白 對於年齡較長的新人或賓客,想在短時間內重塑肌膚青春 狀態,歐慧玲強烈推薦無限電波Potenza——獲歐盟CE和台灣 TFDA認證, 並且是第一個和唯一現時獲得美國FDA批准的四模 式射頻黃金微針裝置,安全、穩定及效果持久。 Potenza可以啟動膠原蛋白、彈力纖維新生,緊致提拉面 部;活化細胞加速新陳代謝,淡化色素,去斑紋;刺激纖維母 細胞,強效修復暗瘡印凹洞。如果有法令紋、下垂、輪廓鬆 弛、眼紋眼袋、抬頭紋、雙下巴、頸紋、嚴重凹洞、逗疤、毛 孔粗大等問題,治療一次就有明顯效果,完整療程半年內2至3 次,可自然回復年輕十年狀態,效果更能長達24個月。 為婚禮打造光彩容顏的方法很多,歐慧玲提醒說,療程的 價值不在於貴與平,選對適合自己最重要。 tHE ultimAtE trEAtmEnt: PotEnzA for rEViVinG CollAGEn for brides and guests wanting a more youthful glow and who wish to rejuvenate skin within a short time, Au strongly recommends Potenza, which is CE certified in Europe, tfDA certified in taiwan and the first and only fDA-approved four-mode radio frequency and micro-needling device. the innovative treatment offers safe, stable and lasting results. it penetrates the top layer of the skin to stimulate collagen and elastin production, improve skin tightness and firmness, minimize pigmentation and fine lines, tighten and firm fibroblast to repair acne marks and improves the overall smoothness and radiance of the complexion. Deep laugh lines, loose facial tone, dropping brow lines, eye bags, frown lines, double chin, neck lines, severe pot marks, acne scars and enlarged pores can all be tackled within one treatment, with immediately visible results. A complete course of treatment comprises two or three treatments within six months, and according to many clients, it is almost like turning the clock back 10 years, with effects lasting up to 24 months. Everyone can look their best for a special occasion. the secret is to start planning early and get a customized course of care that works for you. E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 57