
「小氣泡」深層淨膚 平常有了好的保養,在婚禮前再做些針對性的美容療程,更 能事半功倍。目前風行的「小氣泡」美容器深層潔膚,用10微米 左右的超級小氣泡把堵塞毛孔的油脂、角質、化妝殘留物吸走, 儀器同時將營養液混入小氣泡,令皮膚內外長期鎖水,光澤細 緻。「小氣泡」適用於任何膚質,同時解決黑頭、粉刺、毛孔粗 大的問題。 AIma脈沖光退色素 Poly Beauté有精準皮膚測試儀,專業技師為客人進行膚質 診斷,再根據測試結果選用合適治療。例如各種色素、雀斑、疤 印、皮膚暗啞,可用美國FDA認可的AIma脈沖光醫用儀,一次 療程可減擊退色素50%。歐慧玲建議,如果色素較深,在婚禮前 最好能做兩次,每次需間隔三周至一個月,有需要的新人和親友 提前安排療程時間為佳。 V Max HIFU去水腫 如因壓力導致面部或身體水腫,歐慧玲專業推介V Max HIFU,30分鐘內提拉肌健膜,排水腫打造立體V面輪廓,同時消 除眼袋和細紋,一次明顯見效。如果想要瘦身,V Max HIFU可 選用身體模式,高能量聚焦20毫米溶脂,結實肌肉,快速塑造完 美線條。 歐慧玲說,這些療程兩次已有很好效果,維持時間長久,是 婚禮或大型派對前追求完美人士的好選擇。脈沖光祛斑可以一個 月一次,小氣泡和V Max HIFU最好能在一個月內做兩次療程, 有需要的話,在宴會前一個至兩個月準備預約為好。 ClEAn AnD ClEAr: miCro-BuBBlES DEEP ClEAnSinG trEAtmEnt With a good daily routine, you should only require targeted treatments to give skin a boost in preparation for the big day. for clear and luminous skin, consider the micro-Bubbles treatment. tiny 10-micron bubbles instilled with a nutrient solution help to clear out blackheads, dead skin, excess sebum and other impurities, instantly re-energizing dull, tired and greasy skin. this gentle treatment can be used on all skin types. ByE-ByE to PiGmEntAtionS: AimA lASEr Everyone has unique skin concerns and in order to recommend the most suitable course of treatment, Poly Beauté uses a precision skin analysis instrument to assess skin needs. to address pigmentation, the fDA-approved Aima laser can be used to tackle dark spots, scars and uneven skin tone. Clients can see up to 50 per cent improvement after just one treatment. SCulPt AnD DE-Puff: V-mAx Hifu for water retention on the face or body due to stress, Au suggests using V max Hifu to lift connective tissues and reduce puffiness, thereby giving the face a V-shaped contour. the treatment also works at reducing eye bags and fine lines, and results are noticeable after just one treatment. V max Hifu can also be used for body sculpting by focusing high energy 20 millimetres deep to target the subcutaneous fat layer which firms-up muscles and sculpts specific areas of the body. the above treatments all deliver results after one treatment, but for better and longer-lasting effects, two treatments within one month are recommended. the treatments are ideally scheduled one to two months prior to the big day, so it pay to plans ahead. E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 56 Bridal supplement