
為婚禮塑造靚麗容顏 Shine your BrighteSt eliteGen talks exclusively with Poly Au on tips for your daily routine and the top treatments to have you looking your flawless best on the big day Story | Connie Li 準新人和受邀出席婚禮的親朋好友總是會翹首盼望 這個喜慶的大日子,心情雀躍地要以最佳面貌示人。 為此《el i teGen星尚》特地請教了資深的美容專 家、Poly Beauté Group創辦人歐慧玲。她在多倫多從事 美容業二十多年,8年前和Enhanced Clinic合辦醫療美容 專區。 日常護膚三注意 夏秋季較多婚禮舉辦,歐慧玲建議準新人和賓客在 這兩個季節日常護膚要注意三點。 一. 潔膚:夏季汗液和皮脂分泌旺盛,容易導致粉 刺、暗瘡、過敏、毛孔偏大、膚色暗啞等。除了每日清 潔,更要配合專業淨化角質產品,每周一至兩次護理。 二. 補水:潔淨肌膚後用水份因數和透明質酸產品 能避免皮膚內油外乾情況,令皮膚亮麗。 三. 防曬:加拿大紫外線很強,陽光會刺激內層黑 色素,令雀斑、荷爾蒙斑等加深,所以防曬是皮膚的第 一層守護,每隔4小時就要補一次。 Whether you are part of the party or just a guest, everyone wants to look their best at a wedding. eliteGen reached out to Poly Au of Poly Beauté Group for some expert tips. Au, who has more than 20 years of professional beauty service experience, partnered eight years ago with Enhanced Clinic to also provide in-house medical aesthetic treatments. StArt from DAily CArE With summer and autumn being popular wedding seasons, Au advises you tailor your daily routine for the Canadian climate with the following tips: 1. Cleansing: increased sebum secretion and sweating are major causes of enlarged and blocked pores, acne, sensitivity and dullness. Exfoliating once or twice a week with a professional product is critical, in addition to thorough daily cleansing. 2. moisturizing: Apply hydrating products containing hyaluronic acid after cleansing to balance and preserve the skin moisture barrier. 3. Sunscreen: intense ultra-violet rays in Canadian summers will stimulate the production of melanin, darkening freckles and brown spots. Diligent use of sunscreen is the best defence. remember to reapply every four hours. in addition to these at-home routines, Au recommends a number of Poly Beauté’s treatments from their extensive range to have your looking your best and slay that wedding-selfie. E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 55