珍珠外形亮澤圓渾,予人飽滿富足之感,自古以來 就寓意健康、長壽和吉祥,在中文裡更是包含「『珠』 『籠』入水」的好意頭,因此是中西方節慶及婚嫁的熱 門珠寶選擇。其實很多女孩是因為她們的婚禮,才第一 次擁有了自己的珍珠首飾。 珠聯璧合 Pearls a DeeP-Dive Pearls, with their lustrous and round appearance, evoke a sense of abundance and richness. Since ancient times, whether in Eastern or Western cultures, they are symbols of health, longevity and auspiciousness. In fact, many girls get their first pearl jewelry for their wedding. Unravelling the mystery of the Oysters lustrous creations Story | Eve Lam, Leslie Yip Boucher-Harris Photography | Featured brands E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 50 Bridal supplement