
製訂拍攝時間表 婚禮當天可能會一片繁忙,你很容易錯過想要 拍攝的環節,因此理出一份關鍵照片清單,附上時間 表,對你和攝影師都非常有幫助。對於較小的團體 照,最好提前讓賓客知道拍攝的時間地點,並安排聯 絡人引路。 選擇旅行婚禮攝影師 如果決定舉辦旅行婚禮,我建議新人自己帶攝影 師前往結婚地,因為在結婚目的地找攝影師,在溝通 和細節的確定方面會比較麻煩。 善用攝影師,一些最終建議 請相信,一個焦慮、疲憊或饑餓的攝影師不是一 個快樂的攝影師。 讓攝影師有一個安全的地方存放設備。除非您希 望您的攝影師四處奔波並在壓力下崩潰,否則請安排 一個房間或安全區域給他們作基地。 在婚禮之前向婚禮策劃人和其他關鍵支持人員介 紹攝影師。這樣的話,他們不會因為協調和問題常常 去打攪你。在婚禮前發送幾封電子郵件或進行一次簡 短對話就能產生效果。 請求賓客在儀式期間儘量保持不使用手機和相 機,並坐在座位上,以避免破壞攝影師的拍攝進程。 在婚禮排程中為攝影師安排休息時間。 儘量抵制削減、取消預定攝影時間。幾乎所有的 婚禮都會有時間管理問題,而通常被削減的就是拍攝 時間,但其實這是你事後會感到後悔的決定。 最後... ... 賓客用餐的時間不希望被人拍照,也不希望有旁 人打攪。這也正是攝影師及其團隊休息、用餐的好時 機,不要忘記把攝影師列入你的餐飲安排之中。 HAve A SHot liSt WitH tiMingS your wedding day will likely be a whirl of activity and it is easy to miss shots that you’ll want covered, therefore having a list of key photos, with timings, will be invaluable for yourselves and the photographer. For the smaller group images it’s a good idea to let your guests know in advance to make themselves available at that time and where to be—a huge amount of time can be lost trying to track down wayward cousins etc. this is also where assigning guests to help will pay dividends, (see above). deStinAtion Wedding? Go LoCAL or brInG A phoToGrApher? i would recommend bringing a photographer from your home location as you will not be able to have the vital in-person interaction prior to your wedding, and you will have much more choice in deciding exactly the style you prefer. getting the best from your Photographer, some final tips: • A stressed, exhausted or hungry photographer is not a happy photographer. • have a secure space to store gear—unless you want your photographer walking around like a mobile branch of Best-Buy, and collapsing under the strain, allocate a room or secure area that can be used as a base. • Introduce the photographer to the wedding planner and other key support prior to the event. there will be a lot of coordination and questions, and this reduces the need to disturb you on the day. A few emails or a quick conversation prior to the wedding can make a big difference to how smoothly your day runs. • Ask guests to keep their phones and cameras away as much as possible during ceremonies and to stay at their seats—you would not believe how many shots are ruined by people holding up phones, (or even iPads!), during these events or blocking the photographer. • Your creative teams will be on their feet all day, rushing around behind-the-scenes to ensure your big day runs a smoothly as possible, build breaks for them into the schedule. • Try to resist cutting time from the photography. All weddings have issues with time-keeping and it’s usually the time for photographs that gets trimmed. no-one will remember if dinner started 15 mins late, but you will regret missing images from the day. And FinAlly… • Don’t forget to Include us in the catering plans! once your guests have started their meal is a great time to allow a break and arrange food for your photographic team— people eating never makes for good photos, (it’s also a good way to get your banquet choices photographed without disturbing guests!). E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 49