
下一步 一旦你將選擇範圍縮小到8至10個攝影師,就可以開 始下一步了。 聯繫攝影師:優秀的婚禮攝影師有可能提前數年就被 預訂一空,而周末和夏季又顯然是最受歡迎的結婚時間, 所以要儘早聯繫攝影師以確認可用性。這可能會將你的選 擇範圍進一步縮小。 深入瞭解攝影師:攝影師的Instagram和Facebook頁 面都是經過精心策劃的,只顯示他們最好的作品。其中一 些影像可能是在工作室或專業模特兒拍攝中創作出來的, 是完美條件下的作品,並不能保證婚禮攝影同樣完美。社 交媒體和網站可以讓你瞭解攝影的風格和品質,但看看他 們過往的婚禮攝影作品才更可靠。 儘早確定預算 老話說得好:「一分錢,一分貨」,在婚禮攝影師的 世界裡,這句話更是千真萬確。 你支付的不僅僅是婚禮當天的費用,還有數年的經 驗、培訓和所需設備,以便在各種情況下拍攝到最好的照 片。費用還包括準備工作、編輯和修飾,以及與客戶的溝 通。據估計,專業攝影師每正式拍攝一小時就需要為此工 作9小時,費用也會反映出這一點。如果你心目中的首選攝 影師超出了你的預算,可以考慮少用幾個小時,這樣比用 一個平庸的攝影師一整天都還是要好得多。 tHe next StePS once you have narrowed down your choice to 8-10: • Contact the photographer to check availability, most wedding photographers get booked-up sometimes years in advance and weekends and the summer season are obviously the most popular times to tie-the-knot. this will likely reduce your choice to less than half a dozen available photographers. • Dive deeper. A photographer’s Instagram and Facebook pages will be highly curated to only show their very best work as will their website portfolio. A number of these images may have been created in-studio or on a workshop with professional models, and whilst beautiful, are created under perfect conditions and may not an accurate representation of what will be delivered. Social media and sites give you a great feel for the style and quality of the photography however always ask to view ‘real-world’ images from a previous wedding to see what will be delivered. deFine your Budget eArly there’s an old saying in the photographer world, “good photography isn’t cheap and cheap photography isn’t good”, and such is doubly true in the world of wedding photographers. you’re not just paying for the day, you’re paying for the years of experience, training and equipment needed to get the best images possible in all situations. the fee will also include preparation, editing and retouching as well as correspondence with the client. Professional photographers are estimated to work 9 hours for every hour shooting and the price will reflect this. if your dream choice is straining your budget maybe check if they’ll cover just part of the day— it’s better to have a great photographer for a few hours than an average one all day. E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 47