
新娘初亮相 新郎在婚禮當天第一次看到新娘穿婚紗的樣子, 是西式婚禮中最重要的時刻之一。在特意安排私人的時 間、安靜的地點,新娘走到新郎背後拍肩,新郎轉身首 次看到新娘穿婚紗的美貌,這一刻標誌着新人開始了新 的身份新的生活。 新人第一舞 一對新人,或新娘與她父親,在晚宴上跳第一支 舞,揭開宴會序幕,同時在賓客面前展現新人間的甜蜜 浪漫,或父女感動與不捨的溫馨,充分體現對家庭的重 視和愛情親情的重要意義。 在加拿大這個多元文化的國度,融合中西文化元 素,打造出兼具傳統和現代、東方和西方之美的專屬婚 禮,是喜上加喜,美上加美。 FIRsT lOOk One of the most important moments in a Western-style wedding is when the groom sees the bride in her wedding dress for the first time. This moment is often carefully arranged in a private and quiet setting, where the bride approaches the groom from behind and taps his shoulder. As the groom turns around, he sees the beauty of the bride in her wedding dress for the first time. This moment marks the beginning of a new identity and a new life for the couple. FIRsT DANCE The newlyweds, or the bride with her father, typically dance the first dance at the reception, opening the festivities. This moment showcases the sweetness and romance between the couple, or the touching and heartfelt emotions between father and daughter, in front of the guests, fully expressing the importance of family and the significance of love and affection. In multicultural Canada, the fusion of Eastern and Western cultural elements creates unique weddings that blend tradition and modernity, as well as the beauty of both the East and the West. It’s a celebration of joy upon joy, and beauty upon beauty. E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 41