
出門 新娘「出門」有儀式,一班姊妹和家人會給新郎 挑戰,來測試他對新娘的愛。新郎須通過所有測試,才 接得走新娘。姊妹會打開紅傘護着新娘「出門」,其他 人向紅傘撒米及紅豆、綠豆,象徵驅走惡靈,讓新娘在 「吉時」順利「出門」。 敬茶 「敬茶」是一對新人報答親恩的儀式。新人在「出 門」時會先在女家向新娘長輩敬茶,然後「入門」到男 家,向新郎長輩敬茶。除雙親外,一對新人也會向其他 長輩敬茶。長輩喝茶後,多會送上利是或金器首飾,祝 福新人婚姻美滿。 DEpARTuRE The bride’s departure from her parental home is a ceremonious occasion. Her sisters and family members may challenge the groom to prove his love for the bride. Only after passing these challenges can the groom take the bride away. The bride is shielded by a red umbrella as she departs, while others throw rice, red beans and green beans at the umbrella, symbolizing the dispelling of evil spirits and wishing the bride a smooth departure. TEA CEREMONy The tea ceremony, known as “serving tea,” is a gesture of gratitude to the elders. Before leaving her parental home, the bride serves tea to her elders. After entering the groom’s home, the couple serves tea to the elders of the groom’s family. Besides parents, the couple also serves tea to other respected elders. In return, elders often give red envelopes or gold jewelry, blessing the couple and wishing them a happy marriage. 婚禮當天自然是畢其功於一役的風光大日,中式 婚禮的出門、敬茶,西式婚禮的新娘第一妝、新人第一 舞,都是舉家同慶、濃情愛意、祈願祝福的真摯表達。 The wedding day is naturally a big day for newlywed couples and their families. In Chinese traditional, rituals such as the departure of the bride and the tea ceremony are observed, while in Western weddings, there are events like the bride’s first look and the first dance. E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 40 Bridal supplement