
擇時 「擇日」是中式婚禮的起始,傳統認為,好日子能帶來幸福婚姻。新人會 參考黃曆上「宜嫁娶」的日子,再結合新人以及雙方父母的的生日和生肖,跟 結婚日子不相沖為佳。新人們或會向勘輿學家和算命師查詢良辰吉日。 訂婚 「過大禮」是中式的訂婚儀式,於婚禮兩月至兩周前的「吉日」舉行。男家 將禮金、禮品送至女家,代表新郎正式向女家提親。女家收下禮金、禮品,便 表示接受提親,並回贈一半禮物作為「回禮」。之後,新人便可以派帖宣佈結婚 了。 BlEssED DAy selecting the wedding date marks the beginning of a Chinese-style wedding. Traditionally, it’s believed that a good day brings a happy marriage. The couple consults the Chinese almanac for auspicious wedding dates, taking into account their birthdays, Chinese zodiac sign and ensuring they don’t clash with any important dates. some couples may also consult geomancers and fortune tellers for an auspicious date. ENGAGEMENT Engagement, a significant pre-wedding ritual in Chinese tradition, is held on an auspicious day two months to two weeks before the wedding. The groom’s family presents betrothal gifts and money to the bride’s family, symbolizing the groom’s formal proposal. Acceptance of these gifts signifies the bride’s acceptance of the proposal, and in return, the bride’s family may reciprocate with half of the gifts as a gesture of goodwill. Following this, the couple may announce their engagement by sending out invitations. 送禮 按照傳統,新人會開出一份禮物清單,讓賓客們有機會依照自己的經濟 能力,挑選符合新人需要的禮物,有心又實惠。如今,新人們會在為婚禮專 門設置的網頁上公佈禮物清單。 GIFT REGIsTRy Regarding gifts, the tradition of Western weddings involves the couple creating a gift registry, giving guests the opportunity to choose gifts that suit the couple’s needs according to their own financial capabilities. This practice is thoughtful and practical. Nowadays, couples typically announce their gift registry on a webpage specifically set up for the wedding. E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 39