中也甜蜜 西也幸福 A HArmonious Blend Bridging eastern and western cultures to create your unique tradition Story | Mario Fung 中國文化中有最值得慶賀的「良辰、美景、賞 心、樂事」「四美」之說,婚配嫁娶喜事是四美齊 聚的最好體現;而在西方,也有「有新、有舊、有 借、有藍」的婚禮習俗。不同的傳統與文化,對幸 福的期望如出一轍。 不少華人的現代婚禮在形式上會選擇「中西 合璧」,例如一些新娘會穿代表純潔無暇的白色婚 紗行禮;而在早上的儀式上,會穿上象徵吉祥喜慶 的中式紅色禮服、裙褂。中西婚禮文化各有特色, 打造一個不同凡響的婚禮,可以在很多方面巧用心 思。 就拿婚禮前的準備及禮節來說,中式婚禮有擇 時、訂婚兩大環節,而西式婚禮的準備過程中,送 禮環節最為特別。 In Chinese culture, there is a saying known as “The Four Beauties”—auspicious timing, beautiful scenery, delighted hearts and joyful events. A wedding is a perfect embodiment of these ideals. Meanwhile, in the West, people are familiar with the tradition of “something new, something old, something borrowed, something blue.” Despite the differences in traditions and cultures, the expectations for happiness and the modern wedding are remarkably similar, blending Eastern and Western elements. Nowadays, many weddings opt for a fusion of East and West elements in their form. The brides choose to wear white wedding gowns during the ceremony, and typically don a red dress during the morning rituals. Both Eastern and Western wedding cultures have their own unique characteristics. Creating a distinctive wedding can involve cleverly incorporating ideas from various aspects. Taking preparations of the wedding as an example, traditional Chinese weddings have the blessed day and the engagement ceremony, while in Western weddings, the Gift Registry process stands out as particularly special. E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 38 Bridal supplement