有舊 婚禮是一個美好的機會來延續 家族的傳承。準新娘們,去問問你們 的母親、祖母是否還保存着她們在婚 禮當天佩戴的項鍊或耳環吧,以這種 形式,在你最重要的日子,親情與你 同在!有些家庭可能會選擇另一種方 式,就是將舊鑽石或寶石進行重新鑲 嵌,一份新舊交融的禮物,對新娘同 樣意義非凡。 SoMETHIng old This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate family legacy. does your mother or grandmother still have the necklace or earrings that she wore on her wedding day? This could be an intimate way for them to be a part of your big day. Some families go one step further by remounting old diamonds or gemstones to a more updated style as a meaningful and sentimental gift to the bride. 有新 大喜的日子不盡情揮霍,更待何時? 這個時候擁有一件值得珍惜,又能在未來 持續享受的物品,是喜上加喜,好上更 好。我為這款「The Knot」小巧手包取了 個中文名「結緣」,覺得很是應景。這個 手包由褶皺編織皮革製成,皮革手感柔 軟,金屬扣件在整體上增添了一絲俏皮 感。它足夠大,可以容納iPhone 15 Pro Max和隨身化妝品,方便快速補妝。 SoMETHIng nEw The big day is every girl’s biggest excuse to splurge on something new. Bonus points for choosing something that can be enjoyed and cherished for years to come. Aptly named “The Knot”, this minaudière clutch, crafted from foulard Intreccio leather, is big enough to fit an iPhone 15 Pro Max and makeup essentials for quick touch-ups. The leather offers a beautiful hand feel, while the metal closure adds a touch of whimsy. Bottega Veneta The Knot clutch, $4,570 bottegaveneta.com E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 35