婚嫁四件事 The Four Many didn’t know that there is a fifth “something” —a sixpence in your shoe Story | Leslie Yip Boucher-Harris 「有舊,有新,有借,有藍」,源自維多利亞時代的西 方婚禮習俗已有好幾百年的歷史,一代代新娘虔心遵從,希 望它能帶來一生一世的幸福美滿。 據說,「有舊」,代表與過去的聯繫;「有新」,象 徵對未來的期盼;「有借」,從幸福的已婚親友那裡借來物 品,延續吉祥如意;「有藍」,驅除邪祟,永葆愛情、純潔 與忠誠。 許多人不知道還有第五個「有」——在一隻鞋裡放一枚 六便士,祈願新婚夫婦榮華富貴。 花些時間去尋找每一件小物品,為婚禮增添美好的回 憶,這是多麼有價值的事情啊!以下的這點小心思,希望能 給準新娘們帶來些靈感。 The western tradition of “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue” is based on an old English rhyme that dates back to the 19th century. It is said that “something old” represents a tie to the past, “something new” is hope for the future and “something borrowed” from a happily married friend or relative that can bring good luck for the couple. The colour “blue” wards off evil and also stands for love, purity and fidelity. Many didn’t know that there is a fifth “something”—a sixpence in your shoe, which symbolizes prosperity for the newlyweds. It is worthwhile to take some time to hunt down each trinket to add to your wedding memories. Here’s some inspiration to get you started. “SomeThingS” E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 34 Bridal supplement