層疊浪漫風 繁複與疊加的褶皺、柔亮的秀髮,為這款禮服增添了浪漫 和嫵媚的氛圍。複雜而精緻的細節營造出飄逸的外觀,捕捉到 了浪漫的本質,這樣的新娘美麗迷人,令人難忘。 romAnTIC lAyerS layers and layers of ruching, bows and knots add a romantic and feminine touch to this look. The intricate yet delicate detailing creates a timeless and ethereal look that captures the essence of romance, making it an excellent choice for brides who desire an enchanting aesthetic. 西服現代風 當今有不少前衛新娘用西裝式婚紗來代替傳統,這是彰顯個性的選擇。 低低垂落的後襟代替了長長的拖地紗幅,透明的褲子覆蓋在白色芭蕾緊身袜 上,散發出現代而成熟的自信與優雅。 PAnTSUITS reImAGIned A modern and sophisticated alternative to traditional wedding attire, this pant ensemble is perfect for brides who want to make a statement with their bridal look. The deeply draped cowl back detail takes the place of a long train, and the sheer pants over opaque white ballet tights exude confidence and elegance. E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 28 Bridal supplement