
KeeP GoInG FoRWaRd Miranda and Ramon are from two different worlds. Miranda was born passionate and outgoing. She became a singer at age 22 and then got married and moved to the uK at the peak of her career, not minding there wasn’t even a proper wedding. She doesn’t feel any difference in habits and cultural background, nor barriers in communication, with her sweetheart husband and two gorgeous kids. Ramon, on the other hand, is an introvert and quiet. He loves nature, sketching and cooking. He rates himself for his tenacity and inner strength, comparing himself to a water-based South american animal, somewhat similar in appearance to a large guinea pig. “What animal am I like? a capybara perhaps: sincere and simple, and a perfectionist,” Ramon feels his phobia cost him opportunities to make friends. although he remains single, he looks forward to finding someone who shares his interests, saying: “It is a blessing and a joy to enjoy doing the same thing together.” despite their vastly different personalities and life journeys, they share the same musical goal. Ramon has had his own single, “Believe in Belief”, and Miranda, who always dreamed of having a song written for her, now has “narrowed Heart”. Looking ahead, both would like to stage concerts and star in TV series to continue their growth. Miranda has set a clear target of making a jazz album blending east and West styles. In her earlier career, she performed mainly Latin and Jazz music, which are still her favourites. “I hope to make a jazz album, but I know it’s niche music,” Miranda says. “If the chance presents itself, I hope to have classic Canto-pop that everyone can sing to, but perform it in a jazz style, which might appeal to a larger audience.” These two individuals are now on the same path because of music and the friendship that flourished during Midlife, Sing & Shine continues to this day. They got into the groove with “Bygone Love” and “Forgotten in the Mists.” What can the audience expect next from this talented duo? It’s coming very soon and we’re excited to find out. 期望一路前行 說來李佳和羅啟豪像是兩個世界的人,李佳生來熱情外 向,22歲時正式出道當歌手,在名聲正隆時結婚移居英國,連一個 正式的婚禮都沒有也毫不在意。現在有和她「糖黐豆」的老公和兩 個混血靚仔仔相伴,從來不覺得一家人習俗不同文化背景不同,交 流起來會有障礙。 而羅啟豪內向安靜,近親大自然,喜歡畫素描、烹飪,最欣 賞自己的地方是忍耐力高、心理素質不錯。「如果要用一種動物來 比喻自己,我就是水豚,真誠、單純,是個完美主義者。」因為社 交恐懼,過去從未主動交友,錯失了很多機會,他至今還是單身。 但他憧憬未來能找到一個有共同興趣愛好的愛人,「能一起享受一 起去做同一件事,是很幸福快樂的事。」 不過,這樣兩個從性格到生活經歷都大相徑庭的人,在音樂 上的追求是一致的,羅啟豪有了自己的《相信相信》;李佳也一 直希望有一首為她量身定做真正屬於她自己的歌,現在她有了《心 竅》。 對於未來,兩人都希望開演唱會,參加影視劇集的演出,在 娛樂圈中有更大的發展。李佳更有個明確的目標——做一張風格中 西相融的爵士樂專輯。她早年出道表演主打拉丁爵士樂風,拉丁爵 士樂是她的心頭好。「我希望有一張爵士樂專輯,但我明白爵士樂 屬於小眾音樂,如果有機會,希望有經典的粵語歌,人人都會唱, 但用爵士風格呈現出來,相信有機會受到大眾歡迎。」 兩個不同的人因音樂走到一起,唱了《當愛已成往事》,唱 了《倆忘煙水裡》,越來越默契,以後還會有什麼共同的作品奉獻 給觀眾?——相信不用等很久。 E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 25