
羅啟豪透露,當他知道自己有機會出單曲時,第一時間就想到了 兩位老前輩。「我冒昧地聯繫到作曲、編曲人倫永亮說我想請他為我 的單曲作曲,他非常支持,一個月就給了我demo。而填詞人周耀輝也 沒注意過我的比賽。我發給他一大段話介紹自己,請他幫我填詞,他 一口應允而且很快就寫出了歌詞。」 換作是從前那個社交恐懼的羅啟豪,根本不可能去主動聯絡前 輩,成功創作出《相信相信》。這次經歷再次給他一個大大的鼓勵, 「可以自信,天天都覺得可以自信。」就像歌裡唱的那樣,他希望分 享自己的心得,幫助前路迷茫的朋友找到動力,堅信可以「相信自 己」。 “I was very nervous when first joining the show. once when I was on stage, something fell out of my pocket and I didn’t even notice it. The competition changed me and took me out of that black hole into the world to show what I could do. “Very often, we are not aware of many of the things we are doing, but every step we take in life is meaningful, and takes us closer to our dreams.” This realization is played out in his single “Believe in Belief.” Ramon said when he knew he could make a single, he immediately thought about two veterans. “I took the liberty of reaching out to songwriter and arranger anthony Lun and asked him to write the music for my single. He was very supportive and gave me a demo in a month. I didn’t know lyricist Chow Yiu Fai and he didn’t notice me in the competition. I wrote him a long introduction about myself and asked him to write the lyrics for my song. He was quick to take it on and get it done.” This experience gave him a huge boost in confidence. as in the lyrics: “Believe in yourself. Feel every day that you can believe in yourself”, Ramon hopes to share his thoughts and help those who feel lost to find motivation and believe in themselves. E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 23