Cover Story 分享難忘時刻 兩人見面無可避免地會回憶彩排、比賽的趣事,很多場面可能讓 他們終生難忘。例如李佳在PK賽階段因為得分不高,對自己產生懷 疑,甚至去問自己的學生比賽的歌該怎麼唱,學生驚訝地連連問「老 師你怎麼啦?」「好在那時全家老小都全力支持我,老公不懂粵語, 但看我情緒不佳,也關心地問我發生了什麼事,周圍親朋好友也都為 我加油鼓勁。」李佳回憶說。 作為歌唱老師,李佳平常教學生唱歌給學生評點指導,參加《 中年好聲音》她的身份發生了一百八十度轉變,要被評委評判觀眾議 論。「雖然決定參賽時我對站在台上被評頭品足已有心理準備,但剛 開始的時候還是有些不習慣。有些評語出乎我的意料之外,與我以往 的認知有差別,我會覺得奇怪或不理解。這時我就告訴自己:評委之 所以這麼說一定有原因,要認真仔細想想有什麼可以改進的地方。」 李佳說,「這個適應的過程時間很短,而且之後回過頭再琢磨,評委 的意見都是有道理的。」 與李佳相比,《中年好聲音》的意義和影響對羅啟豪可說巨 大——從平面設計師華麗轉身為歌手,有了自己的歌迷會「豪吧」, 被大批「豪殼」追隨。但最深刻的改變是在他的心理層面。在《中年 好聲音》中他必須直面評委、觀眾和其他參賽選手,無可逃避,這竟 然讓籠罩他一生的社交恐懼症陰影逐漸褪去。羅啟豪坦言:「我從小 就怕人,看心理醫生,做催眠,甚至逼着自己到陌生社交場所去結識 陌生人,用了很多方法去治療,但每次都是行一步退兩步,不見成 效。我覺得自己很沒用,好似掉入一個黑洞爬不出來。」 「剛參加《中年好聲音》時我好緊張,記得有次在台上有東西從 衣袋裡掉出來我都渾然不覺,是比賽令我整個改變,終於走出黑洞, 走入世界,發揮到自己。平時很多事做的時候並未在意,但原來人生 每走出一步都有意義,會讓自己更加接近夢想。」他把這種感悟放到 了自己的首支個人單曲《相信相信》裡。 SHaRInG unFoRGeTTaBLe MoMenTS Whenever they are in each other’s company, they inevitably reminisce the fun parts of rehearsals and the competition. Many of the scenes are unforgettable. For example, Miranda doubted herself after slipping in scores in the PK round, and asked her students how she should sing the songs in the competition. Her students were flummoxed and enquired “What’s bothering you?” Fortunately, she had her family rally behind her. “Though my husband doesn’t know Cantonese, he could see that I was down and asked about it. My extended family also cheered me on.” as a vocal coach, Miranda is normally the one to dish out comments and guidance to students. The roles seemed to have reversed after she joined Midlife, Sing & Shine, as she was the one subjected to critique by the judges and the audience. “Though I had psychologically prepared myself for being scrutinized when performing on stage, it was still tough to swallow initially,” she says. “Some comments were out of left field, so different from my perception, that I found them odd and hard to comprehend. “I would then tell myself that the judges had their reasons for their comments, and I should seriously consider how to improve. This adaptation phase was quite short. When I looked back, the judges’ comments were all valid.” Midlife, Sing & Shine posed greater meaning and impact on Ramon than on Miranda, as he transformed from a graphic designer to a singer, with his own fan club and a large fan base. The starkest changes were in his inner self. as he couldn’t avoid facing the judges, the audience and fellow contestants in the competition, the social phobia that plagued his life slowly faded. “This was huge. I was timid about people from a young age, and had to see a therapist, go under hypnotism and force myself to meet strangers in alien social settings. all these treatments took me one step forward and two steps back. I felt useless and unable to climb out of the black hole. E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 22