
兩個素未謀面、生活經歷迥異的中年人因一場歌唱 大賽相遇、相識,進而在事業上合作,生活中結友,開 始另一種意義上的「牽手」。 由香港無線電視TVB主辦的《中年好聲音》第一季 於2022-23年掀起熱潮,三甲歌手在他們意想不到的年齡 成名走紅。第二名李佳、第三名羅啟豪前不久來多倫多 登台演唱,令《eliteGen星尚》有機會聆聽兩人的故事。 因合唱結友緣 在《中年好聲音》第五輪比賽中,李佳和羅啟豪合 唱一曲《當愛已成往事》獲得當場最高分,評委B哥鐘鎮 濤聽完激動大喊「bravo!」成就大賽名場面。兩人合唱 聲線和諧,演繹到位,其實李佳是位歌唱老師,羅啟豪 是位平面設計師,兩人在參加比賽之前從未謀面,只是 因為在這一輪的選歌環節選了同一首歌,組成了搭檔。 關注羅啟豪的人都知道,他從小就有社交恐懼症, 從未想過要拋頭露面做藝人,也就沒有接受過專門的聲 樂訓練。在第五輪比賽之前,他可說是個「隱形人」, 在台風、走位、面部表演管理等方面都感覺生疏。所以 這次兩人合唱,李佳這個老師給了他很多意見和建議, 就連曲中一句說白「忘了你也沒有用」,也注意到他表 現得韻味不足,而和他一起反復練習。 《當愛已成往事》合唱出彩,令一直被看作熱門 的李佳人氣更盛,更被羅啟豪視為他的比賽轉捩點,受 到這次鼓舞之後他越戰越勇,兩次成為MVP,最終「黑 馬」逆襲,獲得第三名。也是從合唱開始,兩人有了越 來越多的交流機會,在一起為劇集《天龍八部》唱了片 尾曲《倆忘煙水裡》及拍攝MV。 兩人賽後都加入了TVB,返同一間公司,有了更 多的機會增進對彼此的瞭解。羅啟豪說:「每次碰面或 一起演出參加活動,會聊美食、旅遊等很多話題,兩人 聽一首歌或哼一首歌都會討論怎麼唱怎麼表演;登台演 出之後也會聽聽對方的看法,出單曲更是徵求對方的意 見。」就連兩人的家人也因《中年好聲音》而熟識,他 大讚佳佳和老公無比恩愛,兩個仔仔斯文又有禮貌。 Two total strangers, whose paths had never crossed until a singing competition, have ended up becoming close friends and are moving forward hand in hand. The first season of TVB’s singing contest Midlife, Sing & Shine in 2022-23 was a hit, and the top three contestants became overnight sensations at an unexpected stage of life. The first and second runners-up, Miranda Li and Ramon Lo, held a concert in Toronto recently, and eliteGen had the pleasure of hearing their stories. ConneCTed oVeR a dueT In the fifth round of the season, Miranda and Ramon performed a duet of “Bygone Love” and were awarded the top score, with a resounding “bravo!” from judge Kenny Bee, marking a memorable scene of the show. Their harmony and interpretation were perfect. Miranda is a vocal coach, and Ramon a graphic designer. They didn’t know each other before the contest, but became singing partners only after they picked the same song in this round of the competition. People who follow Ramon know he had social phobia from a young age. He explains: “I never dreamt of going on stage as a performer and didn’t take proper singing lessons.” He was rather “invisible” before the fifth round as he appeared out of touch with managing stage presence, positioning and facial expressions. Preparing for the duet, he got a lot of tips from professional coach Miranda, who helped to refine his performance after noting that something was still amiss when he delivered the line “it doesn’t help even when I forget you.” The “Bygone Love” duet was stunning, which made Miranda even a bigger favourite, and marked a turning point for Ramon in the competition. He went from strength-to-strength and was named an MVP twice, and became the second runner-up as a dark horse. Subsequently, the two had more opportunities to work together, and sang the theme song “Forgotten in the Mists” for TV series The demi-Gods and Semidevils, as well as starring in the song’s MV. Having joined TVB after the contest, they have had more opportunities to get to know each other better. “Whenever we attended the same occasion, we had much to talk about, be it food or travel, says Ramon. “When we listened or hummed to a song, we talked about how to perform it. after a stage performance, we shared feedback with each other. We even have sought the other’s opinions when issuing singles.” Their family members also got to know each other through Midlife, Sing & Shine. Ramon gushes about the closeness between Miranda and her husband, and her two sons’ good manners. E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 21