CAPUCINES MINI PUzzLE 除了建築設計,Gehry偶爾也涉足其它藝術形式,墨畫和水彩列於其 中。大師曾為美國查普曼大學Escalette美術收藏創作過一個名為「困惑」 的石版畫系列,Capucines Mini Puzzle手袋的靈感即源於此。 這款手袋表面用小羊皮片拼接製成,先在小羊皮片上手工繪製出水彩 畫樣的花紋,然後一片片進行裁剪塑形,再給每一片找到合適的位置,最 後將這些小羊皮片鑲嵌在袋身上。Capucines Mini Puzzle看上去就像花瓣 層疊的藍色花朵,黃銅LV標誌在花朵中若隱若現。 Gehry’s work is not limited to architectural design. He occasionally dabbled in other art forms, such as a series of lithographs in ink and watercolours. The Capucines Mini Puzzle bag seems to be inspired by a series of lithographs entitled “Puzzled” he designed for the Escalette Collection of Art at Chapman University in Orange, California. The bag’s unique exterior is created using pieces of lambskin that are first treated with a hand-painted aquarelle print and individually shaped, before being delicately positioned by hand and embroidered to create a charming bouquet of interlocking petals. The bag is completed by an elongated silvertoned metal handle imagined for the bag by Gehry, alongside an engraved brass LV logo with palladium finish and a blue aquarelle-printed lining. E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 18 fashion: Louis Vuitton