
E L I T E G E N . C A • s u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 10 Summer VibeS and bluShing brideS 人生新一頁 Welcome to our summer issue! Are you ready to relax in the warmth, or are you in the heat of preparing for summer weddings? Either way, we’ve got you covered. After taking a hiatus during the pandemic, our Bridal Special Supplement is back, and it is bigger than ever. To reflect our unique bilingual readership, we have placed emphasis in providing you with stories and suppliers that can cater to Chinese customs as well as Western traditions. To reflect this diversity, we provide four distinct inspirations for our wedding dress selections: an award-winning local Chinese-Canadian bridal boutique, an independent Parisian brand that has become an international sensation, Pantone’s beautiful colour of the year as well as haute couture. Don’t miss our tips section where we ask the experts to spill the beans. We tell you the best questions to ask before you hire a wedding photographer, what to expect with an event floral designer, how to choose pearls, as well as how to get your skin to look best for the big day, whether you are the bride or a guest. Matrimony signifies a transition to a new life. While our cover stars, Miranda Li & Ramon Lo may not be a wedded couple, their lives began to intermingle since they competed at the Hong Kong reality show Midlife, Sing & Shine! They had a special performance here in Canada earlier this year as title winners, and we thank them for taking the time out of their busy touring schedule to share with us how participating in the highly-rated contest has completely changed their lives. Another interesting partnership highlighted in this issue is the collaboration between two masters, Louis Vuitton and Frank Gehry, to present a limited edition of Capucines bags. We take you into the ateliers to see how expert craftsmanship transformed the grand architect’s vision into objets d’art that you can wear in your arm. We hope this issue of eliteGen will bring you a summer full of joy and inspiration. As always, happy reading, and happy shopping! Thank you for being part of our journey. Yours sincerely, Leslie Yip Boucher-Harris VP, Business Solutions Associate Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, eliteGen Facebook, Instagram & Twitter@leslieyip0911 歡迎共閱我們的夏季期刊! 歡快熱烈的季節已到眼前,你是計劃好好放鬆休息, 還是正忙於籌備你的夏日婚禮?無論如何,我們都有你所 需要的資訊,為你的生活錦上添花。 在經歷疫情期間的暫停之後,我們的《婚禮特刊》回歸 了,而且比過往更加充實豐富!為滿足雜誌獨特的雙語讀 者群,我們介紹的婚慶諸事及婚禮服務供應商,既迎合了 中國傳統習俗,又融入了西方傳統。 體現這種多樣性的內容包括多次獲獎的溫哥華中加婚 紗精品店、巴黎獨立品牌的現代婚紗系列、年度色彩蜜桃 色浪漫時刻,及香奈兒高定芭蕾風婚紗。 我們還特別採訪了一些婚禮服務業專家和知名公司, 為新人們提供一些秘訣。通過我們,你將知道在雇用婚禮 攝影師時應該問些什麼問題,與婚慶花藝設計師合作時會 得到什麼服務,如何選擇珍珠來裝點你的婚慶造型,如何 讓你在慶典上神采飛揚容光煥發。 雖然我們的封面明星不是一對夫婦,但參加香港《中 年好聲音》歌唱比賽對他們的意義,就好像新人們走進婚 禮殿堂開始人生新階段一樣,他們的生活也翻開了嶄新的 一頁!今年早些時候,他們到加拿大作特別表演,抽出寶 貴時間與我們分享他們的故事,在此我們特別向他們表示 感謝。 本期另一個令人矚目的推介,就是路易威登與加 拿大建築、時尚藝術大師Frank Gehry合作的最新結晶 Capucines限量版系列手袋。我們將帶你走入大師的工作 室,看看路易威登的精妙工藝是如何將建築師的藍圖變成 你可以挽在手臂上的藝術品的。 希望本期《eliteGen星尚》給你帶來一個充滿歡樂和靈 感的夏天。像往常一樣,快樂閱讀,開心購物! 奉上誠摯的祝福。 publisher’s letter