
Display until August 31, 2024 $6.99 luxury living for canada's chinese elite vancouver summer issue 2024 牽手「中年好聲音」 In Tune Miranda Li & raMon Lo a friendship born froM MidLife shine and sing speciaL bridaL issue 全方位婚禮特刊 chaneL The couTure bride 浪漫香風 pearLs a deep-dive 珠聯璧合 a harMonious bLend 中也甜蜜 西也幸福 archiTecTure on your arM 講述大師的故事 The bridaL issue

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E L I T E G E N . C A • s u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 10 Summer VibeS and bluShing brideS 人生新一頁 Welcome to our summer issue! Are you ready to relax in the warmth, or are you in the heat of preparing for summer weddings? Either way, we’ve got you covered. After taking a hiatus during the pandemic, our Bridal Special Supplement is back, and it is bigger than ever. To reflect our unique bilingual readership, we have placed emphasis in providing you with stories and suppliers that can cater to Chinese customs as well as Western traditions. To reflect this diversity, we provide four distinct inspirations for our wedding dress selections: an award-winning local Chinese-Canadian bridal boutique, an independent Parisian brand that has become an international sensation, Pantone’s beautiful colour of the year as well as haute couture. Don’t miss our tips section where we ask the experts to spill the beans. We tell you the best questions to ask before you hire a wedding photographer, what to expect with an event floral designer, how to choose pearls, as well as how to get your skin to look best for the big day, whether you are the bride or a guest. Matrimony signifies a transition to a new life. While our cover stars, Miranda Li & Ramon Lo may not be a wedded couple, their lives began to intermingle since they competed at the Hong Kong reality show Midlife, Sing & Shine! They had a special performance here in Canada earlier this year as title winners, and we thank them for taking the time out of their busy touring schedule to share with us how participating in the highly-rated contest has completely changed their lives. Another interesting partnership highlighted in this issue is the collaboration between two masters, Louis Vuitton and Frank Gehry, to present a limited edition of Capucines bags. We take you into the ateliers to see how expert craftsmanship transformed the grand architect’s vision into objets d’art that you can wear in your arm. We hope this issue of eliteGen will bring you a summer full of joy and inspiration. As always, happy reading, and happy shopping! Thank you for being part of our journey. Yours sincerely, Leslie Yip Boucher-Harris VP, Business Solutions Associate Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, eliteGen Facebook, Instagram & Twitter@leslieyip0911 歡迎共閱我們的夏季期刊! 歡快熱烈的季節已到眼前,你是計劃好好放鬆休息, 還是正忙於籌備你的夏日婚禮?無論如何,我們都有你所 需要的資訊,為你的生活錦上添花。 在經歷疫情期間的暫停之後,我們的《婚禮特刊》回歸 了,而且比過往更加充實豐富!為滿足雜誌獨特的雙語讀 者群,我們介紹的婚慶諸事及婚禮服務供應商,既迎合了 中國傳統習俗,又融入了西方傳統。 體現這種多樣性的內容包括多次獲獎的溫哥華中加婚 紗精品店、巴黎獨立品牌的現代婚紗系列、年度色彩蜜桃 色浪漫時刻,及香奈兒高定芭蕾風婚紗。 我們還特別採訪了一些婚禮服務業專家和知名公司, 為新人們提供一些秘訣。通過我們,你將知道在雇用婚禮 攝影師時應該問些什麼問題,與婚慶花藝設計師合作時會 得到什麼服務,如何選擇珍珠來裝點你的婚慶造型,如何 讓你在慶典上神采飛揚容光煥發。 雖然我們的封面明星不是一對夫婦,但參加香港《中 年好聲音》歌唱比賽對他們的意義,就好像新人們走進婚 禮殿堂開始人生新階段一樣,他們的生活也翻開了嶄新的 一頁!今年早些時候,他們到加拿大作特別表演,抽出寶 貴時間與我們分享他們的故事,在此我們特別向他們表示 感謝。 本期另一個令人矚目的推介,就是路易威登與加 拿大建築、時尚藝術大師Frank Gehry合作的最新結晶 Capucines限量版系列手袋。我們將帶你走入大師的工作 室,看看路易威登的精妙工藝是如何將建築師的藍圖變成 你可以挽在手臂上的藝術品的。 希望本期《eliteGen星尚》給你帶來一個充滿歡樂和靈 感的夏天。像往常一樣,快樂閱讀,開心購物! 奉上誠摯的祝福。 publisher’s letter

Free Digital Copies elitegen.ca elitegenmag @elitegenmag elitegen.ca 限時訂閱優惠 (精美Perfect Binding實體版) $28/4期 免費送到府上 並自動加入eliteGen Insider Club 成為尊貴會員 Subscription Special Offer (Print Version) $28/4 issues plus FREE delivery Automatically become an eliteGen Insider Club member email: circulation.van@singtao.ca

up front 8 團隊 Masthead 10 出版人的話 publisher's letter fashion 14 講述大師的故事 louis vuitton celebrity 20 封面故事 牽手「中年好聲音」 Miranda li & raMon lo bridal supplement 26 浪漫香風 Chanel the Couture bride 30 幸福起跑線 WorK it 34 婚嫁四件事 the Four "soMethings" 38 中也甜蜜西也幸福 a harMonious blend 42 蜜桃新娘 WarM & Fuzzy 44 婚禮攝影最全指南 piCture, perFeCt 50 珠聯璧合 pearls a deep-dive 54 為婚禮塑造靚麗容顏 shine your brightest 58 珍藏幸福芬芳 sCent your Wedding 62 花好月圓時 bridal blooMs 68 婚紗優雅簡約風 Where eleganCe Meets siMpliCity 72 夢幻婚禮靈感泉源 taKing the pain out oF planning 76 夢幻蜜月 heavenly honeyMoons 82 包辦婚宴有高手 taste: Wedding Caterers CONTENTS

講述大師的故事 Architecture on your Arm Louis Vuitton’s capucines bag is the perfect canvas for Frank Gehry’s legendary designs Story | Leslie Yip Boucher-Harris Photography | Louis Vuitton, Piotr Stoklosa, Yvonne Tnt, Mario Kroes E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 14 fashion: Louis Vuitton

在全球擁有無數擁躉的好萊塢巨星Angelina Jolie曾手挽路 易威登Capucines,將這款手袋置於高光之下。Capucines誕生 於2013年,線條簡潔、輪廓獨特、logo細節精緻,是品牌辨識 度最高最受歡迎的製作之一。 Capucines手袋的獨特之處在於它的用材及對細節的處 理,從皮革到五金配件,每個元素都經過仔細斟酌,然後運用 歷史悠久的工藝精心製作而成。Capucines之名來自路易威登 1854年在巴黎Rue Neuve-des-Capucines開業的第一家店鋪。 這條街本身就是以一座美麗的Capucines修道院命名的,在法國 大革命前,修道院的花園位於大道的南側。 Capucines手袋被多番演繹,通過與世界上最著名的藝術 家合作,被注入每個時代的潮流風格和創新設計,Capucines最 新款就是在與加拿大著名建築師Frank Gehry的合作中誕生的。 Gehry擅長對材質和雕塑形式進行創新運用,其大膽的創造 力和開創性的設計贏得了全球讚譽。從西班牙畢爾巴鄂的古根 海姆博物館、洛杉磯的華特迪士尼音樂廳,到多倫多的安省美術 館,他已經給世界各地許多城市塑造了獨特的景觀。 這位95歲的設計師與路易威登有長久的合作,巴黎路易威 登基金會、首爾路易威登門面,以及品牌的一些經典旅行箱都是 他的手筆。如今的這個由11款限量版手袋組成的系列,更是圍 繞着「建築與形式、物料發掘、動物」這三個Gehry創作生涯的 關鍵主題,將時尚與建築融成一個和諧世界。 路易威登與Frank Gehry聯名的系列於去年12月在Art Basel Miami Beach藝術展上全球首發,受到廣泛好評。每個手袋都體 現了大師的超凡設計和路易威登的卓越工藝,譬如Capucines Mini Blossom,其玻璃般透明的樹脂花瓣靈感來自香水瓶; Bear With Us Clutch靈感源自大師2014年的Bear with Us雕塑。 《eliteGen星尚》現在就帶你走進大師的工作室,一窺這些 奇幻製作背後的精妙工藝。 First spotted on Angelina Jolie’s arm when it was launched in 2013, the clean lines, subtle logo detailing and distinctive silhouette of Louis Vuitton’s Capucines bag have made it one of the brand’s most iconic and coveted creations. What sets the Capucines apart is the use of exceptional materials and an attention to detail. From the leather to the hardware, every element is carefully selected and then meticulously constructed using time-honoured techniques. The name pays homage to Louis Vuitton’s first store, which opened in 1854 on Rue Neuve-des-Capucines in Paris. The road itself is named after a beautiful convent of Capuchin nuns, whose garden was on the south side of the boulevard prior to the French Revolution. In a testament to its enduring appeal, Louis Vuitton continues to reinvent the Capucines bag, infusing it with contemporary flair and innovative design by way of collaborating with the world’s most renowned artists. One of the latest collaborators is none other than renowned Canadian-born architect Frank Gehry. Known for his innovative use of materials and sculptural forms, Gehry’s bold creativity and groundbreaking approach to design have earned him global acclaim. From the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, to the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles and the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto, he has reshaped urban landscapes around the world. The 95-year-old designer has been a longstanding collaborator with the Maison. He designed the Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris, the store facade in Seoul, as well as some trunks. The 11-bag, limited-edition series is based around three key themes of Gehry’s career—Architecture and Form, Material Exploration and Animals, merging the worlds of fashion and architecture. The Louis Vuitton x Frank Gehry collection world-premiered at Art Basel Miami Beach last December to critical acclaim. Each bag exemplifies the unique combination of Gehry’s design prowess and Louis Vuitton’s remarkable craft and savoir-faire, such as the Capucines Mini Blossom with its glass-like resin petals inspired by perfume bottles, and a remarkable Bear With Us Clutch, based upon Gehry’s 2014 Bear with Us sculpture. eliteGen is proud to take you to the atelier to show you the craftsmanship behind these fantastical creations. E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 15

CAPUCINES MM FLOATING FISH Gehry和魚很有淵源,在上世紀八十年代,他就用塑膠層壓板製 作了魚形燈具,後來還有巴賽隆納奧林匹克碼頭56米長的金屬魚雕 塑,魚的形象一直在他的設計中反復出現。 巴黎路易威登基金會大廳懸浮在頭頂那些發光的魚兒實在讓人印 象深刻,Capucines MM Floating Fish將它們作了重新詮釋。手袋上的 三維魚是由精緻的多色皮革和亮片拼貼而成,形成了浮雕般質感的鱗 片,配上啞光白黃銅LV標誌搭扣及魚形拉鍊頭,並以鮮紅內襯烘托, 我們看到了一隻輕盈的魚兒在自由擺動遊戲。 系列中還有一條魚,一條像是幼童塗鴉的草圖魚,印在白色鱷魚 皮Capucines Mini Drawn Fish手袋上,同樣是Gehry的設計。 Gehry has always been inspired by fish. From fish lamps crafted from formica in the 1980s, to the 56-metre-long metal fish sculpture at Barcelona’s Olympic Marina, it is a recurring theme of his designs. The Capucines MM Floating Fish is a reinterpretation of the 5.5-metre-tall light installation he designed for the Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris. The three-dimensional fish on the bag is a marquetry of delicate multi-toned leather and sequins, forming the bas-relief, textural scales. As an ode to freedom and lightness, the bag is clasped with a matte white brass LV logo, a fish-shaped zip pull and a contrasting red lining. Another fish-themed design in the collection is the white crocodile Capucines Mini Drawn Fish bag, which has an embroidered sketch of a fish by Gehry. E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 16 fashion: Louis Vuitton

CAPUCINES MM CONCRETE POCKETS Capucines MM Concrete Pockets是Gehry對建築藝術的又一 創造性詮釋,與他的古根海姆博物館畢爾巴鄂分館和華特迪士尼音 樂廳一樣,呈現出大師的奇思妙想。 該手袋的線條、角度和形式都有着Gehry獨特的建築視角,而 其小牛皮表面則採用了尖端的3D絲網印刷處理,忠實再現了建築 物的混凝土質感和色調。手袋的白色黃銅LV標誌和鮮藍內襯,同 樣是屬於Gehry的獨特設計元素。 This beautifully crafted version of Louis Vuitton’s iconic Capucines bag is inspired by Gehry’s visionary designs for buildings, such as the groundbreaking Guggenheim Museum Bilbao and the celebrated Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles. The bag’s lines, angles and forms evoke the essence of Gehry’s unique architectural perspective, while its calfskin exterior uses a cutting-edge 3D screen-printing treatment to faithfully recreate his buildings’ concrete textures and tones. The bag is adorned with an LV logo specially designed by Gehry in white-toned brass and features an interior with a contrasting blue lining. E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 17

CAPUCINES MINI PUzzLE 除了建築設計,Gehry偶爾也涉足其它藝術形式,墨畫和水彩列於其 中。大師曾為美國查普曼大學Escalette美術收藏創作過一個名為「困惑」 的石版畫系列,Capucines Mini Puzzle手袋的靈感即源於此。 這款手袋表面用小羊皮片拼接製成,先在小羊皮片上手工繪製出水彩 畫樣的花紋,然後一片片進行裁剪塑形,再給每一片找到合適的位置,最 後將這些小羊皮片鑲嵌在袋身上。Capucines Mini Puzzle看上去就像花瓣 層疊的藍色花朵,黃銅LV標誌在花朵中若隱若現。 Gehry’s work is not limited to architectural design. He occasionally dabbled in other art forms, such as a series of lithographs in ink and watercolours. The Capucines Mini Puzzle bag seems to be inspired by a series of lithographs entitled “Puzzled” he designed for the Escalette Collection of Art at Chapman University in Orange, California. The bag’s unique exterior is created using pieces of lambskin that are first treated with a hand-painted aquarelle print and individually shaped, before being delicately positioned by hand and embroidered to create a charming bouquet of interlocking petals. The bag is completed by an elongated silvertoned metal handle imagined for the bag by Gehry, alongside an engraved brass LV logo with palladium finish and a blue aquarelle-printed lining. E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 18 fashion: Louis Vuitton

Gehry在2014年為紀念路易威登160周年設計了品牌2014款手袋,黑身銀扣的 Monogram Twisted Box手袋是對2014款的新詮釋。 黑白相間的Capucines BB Analog手袋上,傾斜皮革部分由絲網印刷而成,再現 了紐約IAC大廈的外牆線條。 The black-and-silver monogrammed Twisted Box bag is a new interpretation of a design he created in 2014 to mark Louis Vuitton’s 160th anniversary. The angled leather sections in the black-and-white Capucines BB Analog bag is screen printed with sections of the facade of the IAC Building in New York. Capucines BB Shimmer Haze手袋裝飾有六塊閃閃發 光、半透明的亞力克板,是向西雅圖流行文化博物館 的致敬之作。 Frank Gehry The Capucines BB Shimmer Haze bag is adorned with six panels of plexiglas with a shimmering, translucent finish. It pays tribute to the Museum of Pop Culture, also known as MoPop, in Seattle. E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 19

牽手「中年好聲音」 In Tune A friendship born from Midlife shine and sing Miranda Li & Ramon Lo Story | Connie Li Photography | 覓定攝影工作室 MIDI Photography Studio E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 20 Cover Story

兩個素未謀面、生活經歷迥異的中年人因一場歌唱 大賽相遇、相識,進而在事業上合作,生活中結友,開 始另一種意義上的「牽手」。 由香港無線電視TVB主辦的《中年好聲音》第一季 於2022-23年掀起熱潮,三甲歌手在他們意想不到的年齡 成名走紅。第二名李佳、第三名羅啟豪前不久來多倫多 登台演唱,令《eliteGen星尚》有機會聆聽兩人的故事。 因合唱結友緣 在《中年好聲音》第五輪比賽中,李佳和羅啟豪合 唱一曲《當愛已成往事》獲得當場最高分,評委B哥鐘鎮 濤聽完激動大喊「bravo!」成就大賽名場面。兩人合唱 聲線和諧,演繹到位,其實李佳是位歌唱老師,羅啟豪 是位平面設計師,兩人在參加比賽之前從未謀面,只是 因為在這一輪的選歌環節選了同一首歌,組成了搭檔。 關注羅啟豪的人都知道,他從小就有社交恐懼症, 從未想過要拋頭露面做藝人,也就沒有接受過專門的聲 樂訓練。在第五輪比賽之前,他可說是個「隱形人」, 在台風、走位、面部表演管理等方面都感覺生疏。所以 這次兩人合唱,李佳這個老師給了他很多意見和建議, 就連曲中一句說白「忘了你也沒有用」,也注意到他表 現得韻味不足,而和他一起反復練習。 《當愛已成往事》合唱出彩,令一直被看作熱門 的李佳人氣更盛,更被羅啟豪視為他的比賽轉捩點,受 到這次鼓舞之後他越戰越勇,兩次成為MVP,最終「黑 馬」逆襲,獲得第三名。也是從合唱開始,兩人有了越 來越多的交流機會,在一起為劇集《天龍八部》唱了片 尾曲《倆忘煙水裡》及拍攝MV。 兩人賽後都加入了TVB,返同一間公司,有了更 多的機會增進對彼此的瞭解。羅啟豪說:「每次碰面或 一起演出參加活動,會聊美食、旅遊等很多話題,兩人 聽一首歌或哼一首歌都會討論怎麼唱怎麼表演;登台演 出之後也會聽聽對方的看法,出單曲更是徵求對方的意 見。」就連兩人的家人也因《中年好聲音》而熟識,他 大讚佳佳和老公無比恩愛,兩個仔仔斯文又有禮貌。 Two total strangers, whose paths had never crossed until a singing competition, have ended up becoming close friends and are moving forward hand in hand. The first season of TVB’s singing contest Midlife, Sing & Shine in 2022-23 was a hit, and the top three contestants became overnight sensations at an unexpected stage of life. The first and second runners-up, Miranda Li and Ramon Lo, held a concert in Toronto recently, and eliteGen had the pleasure of hearing their stories. ConneCTed oVeR a dueT In the fifth round of the season, Miranda and Ramon performed a duet of “Bygone Love” and were awarded the top score, with a resounding “bravo!” from judge Kenny Bee, marking a memorable scene of the show. Their harmony and interpretation were perfect. Miranda is a vocal coach, and Ramon a graphic designer. They didn’t know each other before the contest, but became singing partners only after they picked the same song in this round of the competition. People who follow Ramon know he had social phobia from a young age. He explains: “I never dreamt of going on stage as a performer and didn’t take proper singing lessons.” He was rather “invisible” before the fifth round as he appeared out of touch with managing stage presence, positioning and facial expressions. Preparing for the duet, he got a lot of tips from professional coach Miranda, who helped to refine his performance after noting that something was still amiss when he delivered the line “it doesn’t help even when I forget you.” The “Bygone Love” duet was stunning, which made Miranda even a bigger favourite, and marked a turning point for Ramon in the competition. He went from strength-to-strength and was named an MVP twice, and became the second runner-up as a dark horse. Subsequently, the two had more opportunities to work together, and sang the theme song “Forgotten in the Mists” for TV series The demi-Gods and Semidevils, as well as starring in the song’s MV. Having joined TVB after the contest, they have had more opportunities to get to know each other better. “Whenever we attended the same occasion, we had much to talk about, be it food or travel, says Ramon. “When we listened or hummed to a song, we talked about how to perform it. after a stage performance, we shared feedback with each other. We even have sought the other’s opinions when issuing singles.” Their family members also got to know each other through Midlife, Sing & Shine. Ramon gushes about the closeness between Miranda and her husband, and her two sons’ good manners. E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 21

Cover Story 分享難忘時刻 兩人見面無可避免地會回憶彩排、比賽的趣事,很多場面可能讓 他們終生難忘。例如李佳在PK賽階段因為得分不高,對自己產生懷 疑,甚至去問自己的學生比賽的歌該怎麼唱,學生驚訝地連連問「老 師你怎麼啦?」「好在那時全家老小都全力支持我,老公不懂粵語, 但看我情緒不佳,也關心地問我發生了什麼事,周圍親朋好友也都為 我加油鼓勁。」李佳回憶說。 作為歌唱老師,李佳平常教學生唱歌給學生評點指導,參加《 中年好聲音》她的身份發生了一百八十度轉變,要被評委評判觀眾議 論。「雖然決定參賽時我對站在台上被評頭品足已有心理準備,但剛 開始的時候還是有些不習慣。有些評語出乎我的意料之外,與我以往 的認知有差別,我會覺得奇怪或不理解。這時我就告訴自己:評委之 所以這麼說一定有原因,要認真仔細想想有什麼可以改進的地方。」 李佳說,「這個適應的過程時間很短,而且之後回過頭再琢磨,評委 的意見都是有道理的。」 與李佳相比,《中年好聲音》的意義和影響對羅啟豪可說巨 大——從平面設計師華麗轉身為歌手,有了自己的歌迷會「豪吧」, 被大批「豪殼」追隨。但最深刻的改變是在他的心理層面。在《中年 好聲音》中他必須直面評委、觀眾和其他參賽選手,無可逃避,這竟 然讓籠罩他一生的社交恐懼症陰影逐漸褪去。羅啟豪坦言:「我從小 就怕人,看心理醫生,做催眠,甚至逼着自己到陌生社交場所去結識 陌生人,用了很多方法去治療,但每次都是行一步退兩步,不見成 效。我覺得自己很沒用,好似掉入一個黑洞爬不出來。」 「剛參加《中年好聲音》時我好緊張,記得有次在台上有東西從 衣袋裡掉出來我都渾然不覺,是比賽令我整個改變,終於走出黑洞, 走入世界,發揮到自己。平時很多事做的時候並未在意,但原來人生 每走出一步都有意義,會讓自己更加接近夢想。」他把這種感悟放到 了自己的首支個人單曲《相信相信》裡。 SHaRInG unFoRGeTTaBLe MoMenTS Whenever they are in each other’s company, they inevitably reminisce the fun parts of rehearsals and the competition. Many of the scenes are unforgettable. For example, Miranda doubted herself after slipping in scores in the PK round, and asked her students how she should sing the songs in the competition. Her students were flummoxed and enquired “What’s bothering you?” Fortunately, she had her family rally behind her. “Though my husband doesn’t know Cantonese, he could see that I was down and asked about it. My extended family also cheered me on.” as a vocal coach, Miranda is normally the one to dish out comments and guidance to students. The roles seemed to have reversed after she joined Midlife, Sing & Shine, as she was the one subjected to critique by the judges and the audience. “Though I had psychologically prepared myself for being scrutinized when performing on stage, it was still tough to swallow initially,” she says. “Some comments were out of left field, so different from my perception, that I found them odd and hard to comprehend. “I would then tell myself that the judges had their reasons for their comments, and I should seriously consider how to improve. This adaptation phase was quite short. When I looked back, the judges’ comments were all valid.” Midlife, Sing & Shine posed greater meaning and impact on Ramon than on Miranda, as he transformed from a graphic designer to a singer, with his own fan club and a large fan base. The starkest changes were in his inner self. as he couldn’t avoid facing the judges, the audience and fellow contestants in the competition, the social phobia that plagued his life slowly faded. “This was huge. I was timid about people from a young age, and had to see a therapist, go under hypnotism and force myself to meet strangers in alien social settings. all these treatments took me one step forward and two steps back. I felt useless and unable to climb out of the black hole. E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 22

羅啟豪透露,當他知道自己有機會出單曲時,第一時間就想到了 兩位老前輩。「我冒昧地聯繫到作曲、編曲人倫永亮說我想請他為我 的單曲作曲,他非常支持,一個月就給了我demo。而填詞人周耀輝也 沒注意過我的比賽。我發給他一大段話介紹自己,請他幫我填詞,他 一口應允而且很快就寫出了歌詞。」 換作是從前那個社交恐懼的羅啟豪,根本不可能去主動聯絡前 輩,成功創作出《相信相信》。這次經歷再次給他一個大大的鼓勵, 「可以自信,天天都覺得可以自信。」就像歌裡唱的那樣,他希望分 享自己的心得,幫助前路迷茫的朋友找到動力,堅信可以「相信自 己」。 “I was very nervous when first joining the show. once when I was on stage, something fell out of my pocket and I didn’t even notice it. The competition changed me and took me out of that black hole into the world to show what I could do. “Very often, we are not aware of many of the things we are doing, but every step we take in life is meaningful, and takes us closer to our dreams.” This realization is played out in his single “Believe in Belief.” Ramon said when he knew he could make a single, he immediately thought about two veterans. “I took the liberty of reaching out to songwriter and arranger anthony Lun and asked him to write the music for my single. He was very supportive and gave me a demo in a month. I didn’t know lyricist Chow Yiu Fai and he didn’t notice me in the competition. I wrote him a long introduction about myself and asked him to write the lyrics for my song. He was quick to take it on and get it done.” This experience gave him a huge boost in confidence. as in the lyrics: “Believe in yourself. Feel every day that you can believe in yourself”, Ramon hopes to share his thoughts and help those who feel lost to find motivation and believe in themselves. E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 23

“Though I had psychologically prepared myself for being scrutinized when performing on stage, it was still tough to swallow initially,” Miranda “I never dreamt of going on stage as a performer and didn’t take proper singing lessons.” Ramon E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 24 Cover Story

KeeP GoInG FoRWaRd Miranda and Ramon are from two different worlds. Miranda was born passionate and outgoing. She became a singer at age 22 and then got married and moved to the uK at the peak of her career, not minding there wasn’t even a proper wedding. She doesn’t feel any difference in habits and cultural background, nor barriers in communication, with her sweetheart husband and two gorgeous kids. Ramon, on the other hand, is an introvert and quiet. He loves nature, sketching and cooking. He rates himself for his tenacity and inner strength, comparing himself to a water-based South american animal, somewhat similar in appearance to a large guinea pig. “What animal am I like? a capybara perhaps: sincere and simple, and a perfectionist,” Ramon feels his phobia cost him opportunities to make friends. although he remains single, he looks forward to finding someone who shares his interests, saying: “It is a blessing and a joy to enjoy doing the same thing together.” despite their vastly different personalities and life journeys, they share the same musical goal. Ramon has had his own single, “Believe in Belief”, and Miranda, who always dreamed of having a song written for her, now has “narrowed Heart”. Looking ahead, both would like to stage concerts and star in TV series to continue their growth. Miranda has set a clear target of making a jazz album blending east and West styles. In her earlier career, she performed mainly Latin and Jazz music, which are still her favourites. “I hope to make a jazz album, but I know it’s niche music,” Miranda says. “If the chance presents itself, I hope to have classic Canto-pop that everyone can sing to, but perform it in a jazz style, which might appeal to a larger audience.” These two individuals are now on the same path because of music and the friendship that flourished during Midlife, Sing & Shine continues to this day. They got into the groove with “Bygone Love” and “Forgotten in the Mists.” What can the audience expect next from this talented duo? It’s coming very soon and we’re excited to find out. 期望一路前行 說來李佳和羅啟豪像是兩個世界的人,李佳生來熱情外 向,22歲時正式出道當歌手,在名聲正隆時結婚移居英國,連一個 正式的婚禮都沒有也毫不在意。現在有和她「糖黐豆」的老公和兩 個混血靚仔仔相伴,從來不覺得一家人習俗不同文化背景不同,交 流起來會有障礙。 而羅啟豪內向安靜,近親大自然,喜歡畫素描、烹飪,最欣 賞自己的地方是忍耐力高、心理素質不錯。「如果要用一種動物來 比喻自己,我就是水豚,真誠、單純,是個完美主義者。」因為社 交恐懼,過去從未主動交友,錯失了很多機會,他至今還是單身。 但他憧憬未來能找到一個有共同興趣愛好的愛人,「能一起享受一 起去做同一件事,是很幸福快樂的事。」 不過,這樣兩個從性格到生活經歷都大相徑庭的人,在音樂 上的追求是一致的,羅啟豪有了自己的《相信相信》;李佳也一 直希望有一首為她量身定做真正屬於她自己的歌,現在她有了《心 竅》。 對於未來,兩人都希望開演唱會,參加影視劇集的演出,在 娛樂圈中有更大的發展。李佳更有個明確的目標——做一張風格中 西相融的爵士樂專輯。她早年出道表演主打拉丁爵士樂風,拉丁爵 士樂是她的心頭好。「我希望有一張爵士樂專輯,但我明白爵士樂 屬於小眾音樂,如果有機會,希望有經典的粵語歌,人人都會唱, 但用爵士風格呈現出來,相信有機會受到大眾歡迎。」 兩個不同的人因音樂走到一起,唱了《當愛已成往事》,唱 了《倆忘煙水裡》,越來越默契,以後還會有什麼共同的作品奉獻 給觀眾?——相信不用等很久。 E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 25

The CouTure Bride When only the very best will do Story | Leslie Yip Boucher-Harris Photography | Chanel 浪漫香風 E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 26 Bridal supplement

簡約甜美風 對於尋求更現代剪裁的新娘來說,這款時尚的提花禮 服配有飄逸的袖子和流暢的裙擺,是對時尚與線條出人意 料的演繹。除三顆鈕扣和銀色鑲邊外,摒棄了其它一切裝 飾,非常適合以簡約精緻為美的現代新娘。 華貴宮廷風 這些永恆的設計散發出優 雅和華美,非常適合想要夢幻般 婚禮的新娘。蓬鬆的薄紗裙擺與 線條貼合的上身設計,打造出令 人驚豔的輪廓。禮服工藝精湛, 造型奢華,值得長久珍藏。 習慣上,時裝品牌會以一件婚紗作為高定系列的壓軸,但今年的香奈兒春夏 高定系列,打破常規,提供了更多選擇。 這次的秀場成了一個芭蕾舞台,輕盈薄紗、飄逸褶邊、精緻蕾絲……,一襲 襲華服充滿芭蕾的氣息。再加上華麗面料、精緻細節和精湛裁剪,芭蕾高貴優雅 的氣質將凝聚在這個系列中,成為傳世之寶。 看看那些精心打造的裝飾——小巧蝴蝶結、透明薄紗口袋、蕾絲腰帶、亮 片、長辮和花朵,用它們來裝點的婚紗美不勝收,同時又保持了品牌的特色。 這個系列演變出的婚紗,有傳統有現代,無論新人傾心于傳統的宮廷禮服、 簡約的緊身裙,還是時尚的西裝,在香奈兒的加持下,都能於特別的日子裡美麗 優雅,光彩照人。 While it is customary for fashion houses to feature a bridal gown as their last catwalk look, Chanel’s Spring-Summer 2024 Haute Couture collection offers even more. As a tribute to ballet costumes, ethereal layers of tulle, romantic ruffles, delicate lace and perfectly folded pleats permeate the collection. With its luxurious fabrics, intricate detailing and exquisite tailoring, the pieces exude a sense of refinement and grace that are sure to become an heirloom. Impeccably crafted embellishments like little bows, illusion tulle pockets, lace belts, sequins, braids and dainty flowers enhance the sense of bridal aesthetic while maintaining the brand’s signature touch. The collection includes a range of silhouettes, from traditional to contemporary. Whether you desire a traditional ball gown, a sleek sheath dress or a modern pantsuit, Chanel’s Spring-Summer 2024 collection offers brides the opportunity to look and feel truly exquisite on their special day. SHorT And SWeeT For brides seeking a more contemporary outline, this chic jacquard dress with billowing sleeves and flowing train is an unexpected play on sleekness and style. Unadorned except for three buttons and silver-coloured piping, the understated elegance is ideal for modern brides who appreciate simplicity and refinement. ClASSIC BAll GoWnS These timeless designs exude elegance and grace, making them perfect for brides who envision a fairytale wedding. The voluminous tulle skirts and fitted bodices create a stunning silhouette, while the exquisite craftsmanship ensures a luxurious look that will be cherished for years to come. E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 27

層疊浪漫風 繁複與疊加的褶皺、柔亮的秀髮,為這款禮服增添了浪漫 和嫵媚的氛圍。複雜而精緻的細節營造出飄逸的外觀,捕捉到 了浪漫的本質,這樣的新娘美麗迷人,令人難忘。 romAnTIC lAyerS layers and layers of ruching, bows and knots add a romantic and feminine touch to this look. The intricate yet delicate detailing creates a timeless and ethereal look that captures the essence of romance, making it an excellent choice for brides who desire an enchanting aesthetic. 西服現代風 當今有不少前衛新娘用西裝式婚紗來代替傳統,這是彰顯個性的選擇。 低低垂落的後襟代替了長長的拖地紗幅,透明的褲子覆蓋在白色芭蕾緊身袜 上,散發出現代而成熟的自信與優雅。 PAnTSUITS reImAGIned A modern and sophisticated alternative to traditional wedding attire, this pant ensemble is perfect for brides who want to make a statement with their bridal look. The deeply draped cowl back detail takes the place of a long train, and the sheer pants over opaque white ballet tights exude confidence and elegance. E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 28 Bridal supplement

花呢混搭風 半透明的薄紗裙,配上一件適合辦公會議場合的 粗花呢裙,一列閃亮的紐扣為呢裙增加了亮點,又有了 與紗裙的線條對比,實在是移風易俗的新娘裝。新娘生 氣勃勃的綽約風姿定能讓所有人目不轉睛。 From C-SUITe To WeddInG SUITe A boardroom-ready fitted tweed dress is transformed for the wedding aisle with an overlay of translucent organza. Statement buttons add a sparkle, while the overall look is modern and collected. E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 29

幸福 起跑 線 WORK IT ba& sh sho wca ses eff ort les s fem ini nit y w ith Pa risi an styl e Sto ry | Con nie Li Ph otog rap hy | ba &sh E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 30 Bridal supplement

心跳加速,神采飛揚。婚禮 進行曲奏響! 我們的六月新娘正在紅毯上 緩步前行,每一步都充滿期待和喜 悅。白色裝飾的婚禮殿堂,猶如一 張純淨的畫布,等待着她的甜美故事 慢慢展開……。 The heart beats faster, spirits soar. It’s time for the ceremony to begin! Our June bride is walking down the aisle, every step filled with anticipation and joy. White, like a canvas, is waiting for her story to unfold. E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 31

Cazza strappy sandals, $455 Caria strappy sandals, $455 Zoe laminated bag, $425 Sign monogrammed bag, $345 Swing Bridal bag, $485 Zoe Bridal bag, $425 E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 32 Bridal supplement

ba&sh的白色膠囊系列是專門為婚禮製作的特別版本,從褶皺繁 複的蕾絲連衣裙到簡約精緻的西裝,從空靈飄逸的歐根紗到大膽的深V 露腰設計,ba&sh用透明面料和精美的細節塑造出一個快樂舞動,自由 放飛的新娘。 系列中最大的亮點是ba&sh標誌性的吊帶長裙Wasta,首次以白色 呈現。白色Wasta在經典設計上增加了領口裝飾,在肌膚的襯托下顯得 很別致,非常適合婚禮的華麗氛圍。長裙由回收再造的合成纖維製作, 剪裁線條流暢,加上褶皺裝飾,在環保理念及設計現代感方面都值得稱 讚。 新娘的親朋好友在婚禮上見證美好時刻,這個系列也沒忘記他 們——優雅的淡色和熱烈的亮色系服裝,讓婚禮現場的每個人都以自己 獨特的方式閃耀,為婚禮添彩。 此系列還有很多別致的配飾,如閃亮的Zoe手包、帶有裝飾鏈的 Sign手袋、水晶鑲嵌Swing手袋、金色的Caria涼鞋……,這一切都是 純潔、律動和幸福感覺的詮釋。 ba&sh’s WHITE capsule creation creates pieces that dance with sheer fabrics and delicate details, redefining elegance for her special day. Featuring intricate guipure dresses to impeccably tailored suits, from ethereal organza to daring openwork designs, the collection has woven together the essence of modern weddings. Among the highlights is ba&sh’s signature strappy maxi-dress, the Wasta in white. Its neckline, adorned with an oval ring, adds a touch of magnificence against the skin. Crafted from recycled synthetic fibres, its flowing silhouette, accentuated with pleats, embodies the epitome of style and sustainability. For the bride’s dear friends joining her on this unforgettable occasion, a delightful array of pastel and vibrant outfits ensure everyone shines in their own unique way. There is also a stunning selection of accessories in this collection: our top picks are the brilliant Zoe clutch, the Sign bag with decorative chain, the sparkling crystal-studded Swing bag and the golden Caria sandals. It’s all about embracing purity, movement and that invincible feeling. Meredith jacket, $495 Pamila Maxi dress, $545 Arthur lace crop top, $250 Alex A-line skirt, $450 Marc cardigan, $385 E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 33

婚嫁四件事 The Four Many didn’t know that there is a fifth “something” —a sixpence in your shoe Story | Leslie Yip Boucher-Harris 「有舊,有新,有借,有藍」,源自維多利亞時代的西 方婚禮習俗已有好幾百年的歷史,一代代新娘虔心遵從,希 望它能帶來一生一世的幸福美滿。 據說,「有舊」,代表與過去的聯繫;「有新」,象 徵對未來的期盼;「有借」,從幸福的已婚親友那裡借來物 品,延續吉祥如意;「有藍」,驅除邪祟,永葆愛情、純潔 與忠誠。 許多人不知道還有第五個「有」——在一隻鞋裡放一枚 六便士,祈願新婚夫婦榮華富貴。 花些時間去尋找每一件小物品,為婚禮增添美好的回 憶,這是多麼有價值的事情啊!以下的這點小心思,希望能 給準新娘們帶來些靈感。 The western tradition of “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue” is based on an old English rhyme that dates back to the 19th century. It is said that “something old” represents a tie to the past, “something new” is hope for the future and “something borrowed” from a happily married friend or relative that can bring good luck for the couple. The colour “blue” wards off evil and also stands for love, purity and fidelity. Many didn’t know that there is a fifth “something”—a sixpence in your shoe, which symbolizes prosperity for the newlyweds. It is worthwhile to take some time to hunt down each trinket to add to your wedding memories. Here’s some inspiration to get you started. “SomeThingS” E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 34 Bridal supplement

有舊 婚禮是一個美好的機會來延續 家族的傳承。準新娘們,去問問你們 的母親、祖母是否還保存着她們在婚 禮當天佩戴的項鍊或耳環吧,以這種 形式,在你最重要的日子,親情與你 同在!有些家庭可能會選擇另一種方 式,就是將舊鑽石或寶石進行重新鑲 嵌,一份新舊交融的禮物,對新娘同 樣意義非凡。 SoMETHIng old This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate family legacy. does your mother or grandmother still have the necklace or earrings that she wore on her wedding day? This could be an intimate way for them to be a part of your big day. Some families go one step further by remounting old diamonds or gemstones to a more updated style as a meaningful and sentimental gift to the bride. 有新 大喜的日子不盡情揮霍,更待何時? 這個時候擁有一件值得珍惜,又能在未來 持續享受的物品,是喜上加喜,好上更 好。我為這款「The Knot」小巧手包取了 個中文名「結緣」,覺得很是應景。這個 手包由褶皺編織皮革製成,皮革手感柔 軟,金屬扣件在整體上增添了一絲俏皮 感。它足夠大,可以容納iPhone 15 Pro Max和隨身化妝品,方便快速補妝。 SoMETHIng nEw The big day is every girl’s biggest excuse to splurge on something new. Bonus points for choosing something that can be enjoyed and cherished for years to come. Aptly named “The Knot”, this minaudière clutch, crafted from foulard Intreccio leather, is big enough to fit an iPhone 15 Pro Max and makeup essentials for quick touch-ups. The leather offers a beautiful hand feel, while the metal closure adds a touch of whimsy. Bottega Veneta The Knot clutch, $4,570 bottegaveneta.com E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 35

Tan Mu Jiang “Harmony and Happiness” Gift Set in Verawood, $229.90 tan-mu-jiang.ca 有借 新娘向幸福的已婚親友借用某物,是 希望他們的好運能夠延續到自己身上,這 種心思就像是中國傳統的「梳頭儀式」。 在這個儀式中,一位婚姻美滿的女性會為 新娘梳頭,一邊梳一邊說出不同的祝福。 「梳頭儀式」用在現代婚禮中會很特別, 如果用到珍貴木材手工製作的梳子,還能 讓整個儀式更有品位。 SoMETHIng BorrowEd others choose to borrow something from a happily married friend or relative hoping that their good fortune will be passed on. The sentiment is similar to the Chinese “hair combing ritual”, where a happily married woman will brush the bride’s hair while saying different blessings. Elevate this ritual with a handcrafted comb made with precious woods. 有藍 除非婚禮以藍色為主題,否則很難 在婚禮服飾中加入藍色物品,這就是許多 新娘會戴上藍色腳環或穿上藍色內衣的原 因。我覺得一個不錯的選擇是,用一款藍 色香水來象徵性地詮釋這個傳統。這些香 水有男版、女版,瓶身裝飾有藍白錫釉彩 陶花紋,香味靈感來自於環繞意大利卡布 裡島那波光粼粼的藍色海洋。 SoMETHIng BluE unless your wedding theme colour is blue, it may be hard to incorporate something blue into your wedding attire. That’s why many brides wear a blue garter or blue lingerie. You can also interpret this tradition figuratively with a blue-colour perfume. These ones come in a his-and-hers version, the bottle is adorned with a blue-and-white majolica print, and the scents are inspired by the sparkling blue sea in Capri. Dolce&Gabbana Light Blue Summer Vibes (limited edition), 100 ml | $165 Dolce&Gabbana Light Blue Eau Intense Pour Homme (limited edition), 100 mL | $165 sephora.com E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 36 Bridal supplement

鞋子裡的六便士 傳統說六便士硬幣由新娘的父親放進新娘的 左腳鞋子裡。遺憾的是,英國的六便士早已不再流 通,但只要花上幾塊錢就能從網上買到替代品。北 美的新娘通常用一分硬幣代替六便士。鞋子裡有一 枚硬幣,走路肯定會不舒服,如果換成一個帶有硬 幣圖案的腳踝鏈呢?既賦予傳統一種新意,又避免 了傷腳和不適。從現代意義上說,左腳戴腳踝鏈是 暗示已婚或有着穩定的關係哦。 And A SIxPEnCE In Your SHoE Custom says the father of the bride should place the coin in the bride’s left shoe. Alas, the British sixpence is no longer in circulation, but you can still buy them online for a few dollars. north American brides usually substitute the sixpence with a penny. However, it cannot be comfortable walking with a coin in your shoe! To give the tradition a twist, how about an anklet with a coin motif? In some cultures, an anklet worn on the left ankle can indicate that the person wearing it is married or in a committed relationship. Mejuri Dot Chain Anklet, $325 mejuri.com E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 37

中也甜蜜 西也幸福 A HArmonious Blend Bridging eastern and western cultures to create your unique tradition Story | Mario Fung 中國文化中有最值得慶賀的「良辰、美景、賞 心、樂事」「四美」之說,婚配嫁娶喜事是四美齊 聚的最好體現;而在西方,也有「有新、有舊、有 借、有藍」的婚禮習俗。不同的傳統與文化,對幸 福的期望如出一轍。 不少華人的現代婚禮在形式上會選擇「中西 合璧」,例如一些新娘會穿代表純潔無暇的白色婚 紗行禮;而在早上的儀式上,會穿上象徵吉祥喜慶 的中式紅色禮服、裙褂。中西婚禮文化各有特色, 打造一個不同凡響的婚禮,可以在很多方面巧用心 思。 就拿婚禮前的準備及禮節來說,中式婚禮有擇 時、訂婚兩大環節,而西式婚禮的準備過程中,送 禮環節最為特別。 In Chinese culture, there is a saying known as “The Four Beauties”—auspicious timing, beautiful scenery, delighted hearts and joyful events. A wedding is a perfect embodiment of these ideals. Meanwhile, in the West, people are familiar with the tradition of “something new, something old, something borrowed, something blue.” Despite the differences in traditions and cultures, the expectations for happiness and the modern wedding are remarkably similar, blending Eastern and Western elements. Nowadays, many weddings opt for a fusion of East and West elements in their form. The brides choose to wear white wedding gowns during the ceremony, and typically don a red dress during the morning rituals. Both Eastern and Western wedding cultures have their own unique characteristics. Creating a distinctive wedding can involve cleverly incorporating ideas from various aspects. Taking preparations of the wedding as an example, traditional Chinese weddings have the blessed day and the engagement ceremony, while in Western weddings, the Gift Registry process stands out as particularly special. E L I T E G E N . C A • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 38 Bridal supplement

擇時 「擇日」是中式婚禮的起始,傳統認為,好日子能帶來幸福婚姻。新人會 參考黃曆上「宜嫁娶」的日子,再結合新人以及雙方父母的的生日和生肖,跟 結婚日子不相沖為佳。新人們或會向勘輿學家和算命師查詢良辰吉日。 訂婚 「過大禮」是中式的訂婚儀式,於婚禮兩月至兩周前的「吉日」舉行。男家 將禮金、禮品送至女家,代表新郎正式向女家提親。女家收下禮金、禮品,便 表示接受提親,並回贈一半禮物作為「回禮」。之後,新人便可以派帖宣佈結婚 了。 BlEssED DAy selecting the wedding date marks the beginning of a Chinese-style wedding. Traditionally, it’s believed that a good day brings a happy marriage. The couple consults the Chinese almanac for auspicious wedding dates, taking into account their birthdays, Chinese zodiac sign and ensuring they don’t clash with any important dates. some couples may also consult geomancers and fortune tellers for an auspicious date. ENGAGEMENT Engagement, a significant pre-wedding ritual in Chinese tradition, is held on an auspicious day two months to two weeks before the wedding. The groom’s family presents betrothal gifts and money to the bride’s family, symbolizing the groom’s formal proposal. Acceptance of these gifts signifies the bride’s acceptance of the proposal, and in return, the bride’s family may reciprocate with half of the gifts as a gesture of goodwill. Following this, the couple may announce their engagement by sending out invitations. 送禮 按照傳統,新人會開出一份禮物清單,讓賓客們有機會依照自己的經濟 能力,挑選符合新人需要的禮物,有心又實惠。如今,新人們會在為婚禮專 門設置的網頁上公佈禮物清單。 GIFT REGIsTRy Regarding gifts, the tradition of Western weddings involves the couple creating a gift registry, giving guests the opportunity to choose gifts that suit the couple’s needs according to their own financial capabilities. This practice is thoughtful and practical. Nowadays, couples typically announce their gift registry on a webpage specifically set up for the wedding. E L I T E G E N • S u mm E r • 2 0 2 4 39