一嚐秘魯現代風味 There’s no place like homeland sUYo’s Traditional peruvian Fare with a modern Twist Story | Kenson Ho Photography | SUYO Peruvian Restaurant & Bar Peru is not just a South American country with a fascinating and colourful history, it is also renowned for its exceptional food - which has been coined the “new” global cuisine experience by a number of international food critics and counted the late Anthony Bourdain as a fan who commented “There are so many products in Peru that are unfamiliar to people in the States. When you eat this food, it’s not like, Well, this is something like… It’s not “kind of like” anything. It’s really awesome.” Here in Vancouver, SUYO Modern Peruvian restaurant and bar has earned rave reviews since its opening last August. Led by chef/partner Ricardo Valverde, who is no stranger to the Vancouver culinary scene, SUYO continues to blend tradition and innovation to delight both aficionados of and newcomers to Peruvian cuisine. After moving to Canada at the age of 17, he studied computer science for two years before deciding to pursue his passion for food. He enrolled at the Dubrulle French Culinary School in Vancouver and then went on to work in some of the city’s best kitchens and under some of its finest Chefs, including the Blue Water Cafe, Cin Cin and Ancora. 秘魯是一個有引人入勝而多彩歷史的南美國家,並被國際美食評 論家譽為全球新美食之國。 在溫哥華,SUYO現代秘魯餐廳和酒吧自去年8月開業以來,贏得 如潮好評。其策劃者、主廚兼合夥人Ricardo Valverde17歲移居加拿 大,在學了兩年電腦專業之後,決心在餐飲業界發展,到溫哥華的一間 烹飪學校Dubrulle French Culinary School學習,之後在一些知名餐廳 如Blue Water Cafe、Cin Cin和Ancora工作,在溫哥華美食界頗有名氣。 Valverde以南美土著詞「家園」為餐廳命名,向他的家族傳統和祖國 致敬。 星尚:SUYO以什麼為它的經營宗旨? Ricardo Valverde:我想要建立一家正宗秘魯餐廳,用現代手法製 作經典菜餚。SUYO提供完全秘魯美食體驗,從裝潢、服務、菜單到餐 酒和雞尾酒,都經過精心策劃,可媲美利馬的任何一間高檔秘魯餐廳。 餐廳裝飾有天然木材的細節設計和金色吧台,我希望客人彷彿置身於一 個現代的南美綠洲,能聯想到印加歷史的黃金年代。 Arroz Con Pato鴨胸肉加油封腿,配香茜啤酒飯。 Arroz Con Pato – duck breast, confit leg, cilantro-beer rice. E L I T E G E N . C A • M Ay / j u N • 2 0 2 3 74 RestauRant