
教育 英文 CANADIAN CITY POST 文︰子慧 Sunday driver是pejorative(貶義)的用語, 解a person who drives slowly, timorously, or unskilfully, as if used to driving only on Sundays when the roads are relatively quiet。 Timorously解戰戰兢兢地;unskilfully解不 熟練地。假日路面交通稀疏,駕車較容易,只在 星期天才駕車,技術自然不夠熟練,所以好可能 會有timorous或unskilful的表現。Sunday driver 是指someone who drives too slowly, of ten annoying other drivers,行車太慢,其他心急的 駕駛者就會罵他們“阻着地球轉”,所以Sunday dr iver是貶語。Exerciser是名詞,解a person who exercises,一個做運動的人,只在Sunday 做運動的人,應該可以稱為Sunday exerciser。依 此類推,只在周末才做運動,就可以叫weekend exerciser。當然,運動是有恆心地天天都做最 好,不過,做個Sunday或weekend exerciser,並 沒有壞處。專家建議,每星期須做最少一百五十 分鐘moderate intensity的exercise︰"Going for a brisk walk(急步行), a light effort cycle on a bike or playing doubles in tennis would count towards this. Or you could do 75 minutes of vigorous(劇烈的) activity - something like running, swimming or playing a game of football"。 “不動”藉口 一項觀察三十五萬人十年的研究最近有結 果,發現只要達到這個每周標準,這一百五十或 七十五分鐘的運動可以分開天天做,若平日無 法找時間或精力去做,周末分一或兩次“密集 式”地做,亦可收同樣的健康效益:"A big burst of exercise at the weekend is as good as spreading activity out across the week"。 Many of the participants in the US study clocked up this amount in a week. But some crammed(塞進) it into one or two sessions rather than spacing i t out(把它隔開). The f indings, in the JAMA Internal Medicine journal, suggest the type and total amount of exercise count(有價值), rather than how many sessions. 大家都知道,做運動有益健康,缺乏運 動對健康不會好,不過日常生活忙碌,不論是孩子 或大人,每天要做的事情排得密密的,哪有時間 做運動?起碼這是我們為自己開脫的藉口。 Fitness for Lazy People: How to get the most out of the least的作者Robert Massey很 明白這種普遍的心態:"Exercise always sounds like a good idea in theory but when it comes round to it you can quickly find a million other things you'd rather be doing including any number of sofa based activities that seem more pressing(逼切的、緊逼的). And let's face it, you can always start exercising tomorrow can't you?" 他又解釋媒體中很多keep f i t大計的問 題:" The main thing these plans have in common is that they target just one thread of your physiology(生理機能) in an attempt to change something fast and visibly. The other thing they have in common is that they are time consuming, invasive(侵擾的) and are not a sustainable lifestyle option. They are a quick-f ix(應急之道、權宜之計), high ef for t, blunt instrument for a specific issue and not something you're likely to maintain." 盡量做一點 不實際的大計,結果都是不了了之。所以就 算做不到專家建議的運動最低標準,做得一點 就是一點,something is better than nothing, 做一點總比一點都不做好。"By definition doing something is inf ini tely bet ter than doing nothing. If you don't have time to do the bare minimum(最低限度) just give it a tr y. Who knows you might find it habit forming." Weekend exerciser享相同健康效益 CCP,AW20220136,#7 Mon Aug 08 2022 14:00:48 GMT-0700 請投資於加拿大定存和優質債券 持有可提供定期收入的投資是明智之舉。因此有必要了解像債券、定存這樣的固定收入投資如何幫助您達成財務目標。 Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund 我們誠邀您出席我們的《 聚焦固定收入 》免費講座。您將了解以下內容: ˙定存和債券的特點及特色 ˙利率與債券價格之間的關係 ˙定存和債券如何幫助您渡過巿場波動期 * 定存利率8/8/2022有效;定存發行銀行隨時會提供特別優惠,請和分行聯繫了解最新定存利率。 ** 債券收益有效期自8/8/2022開始,發行量和價格或有變化。如果在於到期前出售,收益和市場價格或許有所波動,具體收益可能高於,低於或等於當初的投資。 利率上升時債券價格可能下跌。債券到期前被召回可導致債券持有者承擔再投資風險。 Lucy Fei Zhuang 莊飛 CFP, CIM, FCSI投資顧問 604.739.7318 3388 Cambie Street, Vancouver Jennifer Ma馬憶平 CFP投資顧問 604.273.1026 11331 Coppersmith Way , Unit 130, (Ironwood Plaza) Richmond Francis Wei, 魏鳳萍 CIM投資顧問 604-247-2556 Unit 150, 8780 Blundell Road Richmond 3.00%** 債券到期回報率 04/17/2023 4.14%* 1年定存 (受CDIC的保護) RBC (美元) 2.30% 高息活期存款 Manulife (加幣) Innovation Credit Union (加幣) 請致電以下號碼或親臨辦事處訂座 時間:2022年8月18及25日 星期四下午五時 地點:請參閱以下分行地址 Amanda Y Li 李瑩 CFP投資顧問 604-231-7621 Unit 120, 3671 Chatham Street Richmond 30 CANADIAN CITY POST 都市報 2022年8月12日