
後輪驅動的LC500那近乎奇異的設計,在我試駕的一周所引 來的目光,比SL 63和 F-Type R75加起來的還要多。 LC500平穩的自然進氣V8引擎是這三款引擎中功率最小 的,但大引擎的生命力和聽起來非常像美國肌肉車的強勁排氣聲 響,彌補了這方面的不足。在高轉速下,排氣喉在升檔後會產生 一連串快速的劈啪聲,這些聲音令人既興奮又震撼,因為凌志一 向以製造平穩安靜的車輛見稱。 即使這是款重型車,由於採用了可變阻尼避震系統、後車身 減震拉桿和靈敏的轉向系統,它的操控性仍然很靈活。 車廂討人歡喜,內裝線條流暢,觸感柔軟細膩。跑車型的座 椅很舒適。但令人驚訝的是,這款售價達6位數的車輛,駕駛座 椅竟然只有8個調校位置,並且沒有大腿支撐延伸和電動側墊。 其它出眾的設計包括: - LED尾燈照明時有逐漸變細的層次感,靈感源自噴射機後 燃器的紅光。 - 座椅由日本Takumi工匠手工縫製,皮革換檔旋鈕亦是如 此,表面平滑均勻。 - 若你拉動座椅靠背裝置令其折疊以便進入後座,整個座椅 會電動前移以騰出更多空位。 要是你喜歡日本的高質、由內至外的優雅精緻、經典的後輪 驅動和V8引擎組合,並且要日常使用,那麼這款淩志會適合你, 因為幾年後它將是這三款車中最可靠的一款。 during our week with the rear-wheel drive (Rwd) LC500, its near-exotic design turned more heads than the SL 63 and F-Type R75 did combined. Its smooth, naturally aspirated V8 engine produces the least power of the trio, but makes up for the deficit with big-engine life force and a mean exhaust note that sounded the most like an American muscle car. At high revs, the exhaust produces a rapid-fire series of crackling sounds after upshifts that are both thrilling and shocking given Lexus’s reputation as a maker of smooth, quiet vehicles. For such a heavy vehicle, handling was still sharp, thanks to an adaptive variable suspension, rear performance dampers and responsive steering. The LC500’s cabin delights both visually and in comfort with flowing lines and soft-touch surfaces. The sport seats are comfortable, but surprisingly for a six-figure vehicle, the driver seat can only adjust eight ways, lacking a thigh support extender and power side bolsters. Other standout design features include: - LEd taillights featuring tapering layers of illumination that were inspired by the glow of a jet’s afterburners - Hand-stitched upholstery finished by Japanese Takumi craftsmen, including a specially hand-sewn leather shifter knob where the threads are concealed to produce a smooth, even surface - when you need to access the rear seats by pulling the seatback release to fold it forward, the entire seat moves forward electrically to provide more space Get this Lexus if you like Japanese quality, fine style inside and out, the classic Rwd/V8 combo and want to drive it daily as it will be the most reliable of this trio after a few years. 高檔、經典、復古 A pOSH, CLASSIC V8 THROwBACk LEXuS LC500 E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 90 Drive