
在這三款豪華大型車中,SL 63是最清新、最強勁和最高科技的, 備有人手製造的雙渦輪增壓V8引擎。它動力非常強勁,變速箱換檔又 快,你毋須調高轉速也可以達至巡航的速度。若要享受車輛排氣的聲 浪,你可把換檔撥片停留在低檔,以保持引擎高速轉動。 低調的外觀擋不住SL 63高檔、優雅的造型,即使從遠處看也能認 出是一輛平治。擁有標準配置的全輪驅動和後輪轉向令它成為一輛很 好操控的開篷車,但避震有點硬。 車廂舒適而設備高科技,可專為顧客訂製。內飾用料優質,例如 採用金屬製造換檔撥片,以柔軟皮革及厚絨面革包裹的方向盤,手感 極佳。 其它值得留意的功能包括: - AIRSCARF頸部暖氣系統。頭枕通風口徐徐吹送舒適暖氣,就像 為駕駛者和前座乘客繫上一條隱形的圍巾,在天氣轉冷時,為他們保 持頸部溫暖。 - 大型中央觸控屏幕可以調校至傾斜角度,以防止陽光從上照射 下來時降低屏幕的能見度。屏幕包含了所有的常用控制裝置,如空氣 調節、音響,以至開關頂篷。 - 打開頂篷僅需15秒,更可在時速60公里內進行,而凌志Lexus LC500 開啟頂篷時只能在時速50公里內進行。 如果你想要平治的聲譽和強勁的動力,並不介意它有很多科技需 要學習和適應,那就選擇SL 63吧。 The SL 63 is the freshest, most powerful and most high-tech among our trio here with a hand-built, twin-turbocharged V8. Because it’s so powerful and the transmission shifts so fast, you never need to rev it high to get up to cruising speed. So to enjoy the car’s exhaust notes, you need to keep the engine revs high by using the paddle shifters to stay in a lower gear. Sleek and upscale with understated good looks, it’s easily recognizable as a Mercedes even from afar, and comes standard with all-wheel drive and rear-wheel steering to make it a great-handling convertible. However, the ride is quite stiff. The interior is snug, but very high-tech, customizable and nicely finished with fine materials like metal paddle shifters, soft leather and a thick suede/leather steering wheel that felt nice in the hands. Other notable features include: - Air Scarf, which blows air from below your seat’s headrest to keep your neck warm during top-down autumn drives - An 11.9-inch centre touchscreen that can tilt to prevent sunlight from reducing screen visibility when driving with the top down, and it houses all the vehicle’s frequently accessed controls, like climate, audio and even operating the convertible top - A mere 15-second roof opening time that can be operated at speeds of up to 60 km/h vs. only 50 km/h in the Lexus LC500 Get the SL 63 if you want Mercedes prestige, reams of raw power and don’t mind a vehicle with a ton of tech requiring commitment to learn and adapt to. 擁有高科技渦輪增壓引擎 A TuRBOCHARGEd, HIGH-TECH pOwERHOuSE MERCEdES-AMG SL 63 4MATIC+ E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 89