
加密簽章 Encrypted Authenticity Leica’s new M11-P fuses groundbreaking tech with timeless style and craftsmanship Story | Xuying Chan Photography | Singtao East Week 生成式AI發展令「有圖有真相」再也站不住腳。為了讓公眾更容易 了解照片的真實性,Adobe聯同業界在2019年提出「內容真實性倡議 (CAI )」,透過「內容憑證」紀錄照片的出處和期間所作過的修改和涉及 的材料。而經典相機品牌Leica的M11-P就成為世界首部內建內容憑證 的相機,從按下快門的一刻即為照片加密簽章,從源頭確認照片的真實 性。 先進相機技術大容量內存 Le i ca M11 - P配備6030萬像素背照式感光元件,解像度達 9528×6328,同時備有RGB彩色濾鏡和UV/IR濾鏡,配備Leica Maestro III處理器和三倍解析度技術,確保照片色彩自然、動態範圍寬 廣,並保留最多細節。緩存記憶達3GB,可以拍攝15張DNG或約100 張JPG照片。除了支援最大2TB的UHS-II SDXC記憶卡外,相機本身亦 備有比M11更多的256GB內部儲存,足以應對突發需要。相機背面備 有2.95吋觸控屏幕,涵蓋100% sRGB色域,配上藍寶石水晶玻璃,並 蓋上防反射保護塗層,任何光照條件下可以回看和選擇照片。 設計低調含蓄 Leica M11-P外觀繼承Leica M系列相機的低調含蓄,刻意將機身 Leica的紅色標誌略去,改在機頂左邊刻上手繪「Leica」字樣。Leica M11-P有啞光黑和銀色兩種顏色選擇,當中啞光黑版頂板和底蓋採用高 品質鋁合金材料,而銀色版則為高品質黃銅材料。相機採用鎂合金全金 屬製作,有效保護相機零件。廠方還同時推出新款M系統相機包和背帶, 設計同樣配合M11-P的低調簡約。不過,Leica M11-P的重點除了「德國 製造」加持下的相機技術之外,還透過內置內容憑證來維護照片的真實 性。 The evolution of generative AI has cast doubt on the old saying “Pictures don’t lie”. To address the growing concern of digital content authenticity, Adobe, in collaboration with industry stakeholders, introduced the “Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI)” in 2019. This initiative leverages content credentials to document the origin, modifications and materials involved in photo creation. The Leica M11-P has set a groundbreaking precedent as the world’s first camera to integrate content credentials directly, affixing an encrypted digital signature to attest to the authenticity of photos from the moment the shutter is activated. This signature includes such information as camera model, manufacturer, image attributes, shooting date and more. CuTTIng-edge CAMerA TeChnoLogy wITh AMPLe STorAge The Leica M11-P boasts a 60.3-megapixel, back-illuminated sensor, delivering a resolution of 9528×6328. Complemented by an rgB filter and uV/Ir filter, and powered by the Leica Maestro III processor with triple resolution technology, this camera ensures authentic colour reproduction, an expansive dynamic range and meticulous detail retention. with a capacious 3gB cache memory for high-speed shooting, it facilitates the capture of 15 dng, or approximately 100 JPg photos. In addition to supporting up to 2TB uhS-II SdXC memory card, the camera features a 256gB of internal storage, accommodating unforeseen storage needs. The camera’s rear sports a 2.95-inch touchscreen covering 100 per cent srgB color space, equipped with sapphire crystal glass and an anti-reflective coating for seamless photo review and selection under diverse lighting conditions. 機頂配置與M11相同,但實際上內存容量提升至 256GB。 The top configuration is the same as the M11, but the memory capacity is increased to 256GB. ▲機背備有2.95吋觸控屏幕,涵蓋100% sRGB色域, 配上藍寶石水晶玻璃及防反射保護塗層。 The 2.95-inch touchscreen covering 100% sRGB color space. E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 86 TECH