
因為球形冰提供最慢的融化時間,和與飲料更少的接觸面,確保 飲料維持低溫的時間更長,且稀釋程度更低,以往只在城中寥寥可數 的高端酒店酒吧才會看到這種獨特的冰球。但如今這樣的高端享受進 入普通家居了——奢華家電品牌Monogram推出了加拿大首創的台面 Forge加熱壓冰機,為烈酒愛好者家居品鑒雞尾酒帶來全新的體驗。 《eliteGen星尚》最近訪問了品牌主管Bob Park,他表示:「奢華意 味着我們始終要處於領先地位。奢侈品應比其它任何產品都能更好地滿 足需求,或是滿足奢侈品消費者自己都沒意識到的需求,這就是Monogram Forge的追求。」 14磅重的Forge擁有時尚的霧面黑色表面和奢華的黃銅點綴細 節。它有一個大型方形模具,可放入冰箱中製作超大的冰塊。用隨 附的夾子取出一塊方冰,通過頂部的圓形手柄提起壓冰機蓋,放入冰 塊,機器便會開始壓製工作,大約60秒後,一個直徑2.5英寸的冰球便 製成了。冰球可連續製造,無需重新加熱,這比城中高端酒吧需要嚴 格流程和專業知識製作的球形冰,來得更有效率、更方便易用。 為慶祝Forge在加拿大的推出,Monogram與英國倫敦的國際知名 調酒師Marian Beke合作,後者專門在溫哥華舉辦的Forge全國發佈會 上調製了特別設計的高級雞尾酒,來展示Forge冰球的美態。 「冰是製作精緻均衡雞尾酒的一個極其重要的元素,並非所有的 冰都是一樣的。我喜歡Forge製造球形冰的速度和精度,而且成品水準 的確達到了新高。」Beke稱,「Forge製造的球形冰令雞尾酒-7或-8攝氏 度的最佳溫度很容易達到,相較于普通形狀的方冰塊在10分鐘便融化, 球形冰融化時間大約在45到60分鐘,這麼長的時間,一杯酒早就喝完 了。Forge可以讓家居調酒師調製出更好的雞尾酒,將任何加冰的酒精飲 料變成真正極品。」 eliteGen recently met Chief of Brand Bob Park. He explained : “Luxury means we’re always at the forefront. Luxury is either filling a need better than anyone else, or filling a need that the luxury consumer didn’t even know they wanted. Forge by Monogram simply epitomizes luxury.” The Forge Heated Ice Press weighs 6.5 kilograms and features a sleek matte black finish with lavish touches of brass detailing. It comes in a package that includes large, square molds that you place in the freezer to make oversize ice cubes. Then you take a cube using the included tongs, carefully lift the Forge by the round handle on top, and place the ice in the Forge, and then let heat and gravity do the work. After approximately 60 seconds, a 2.5” diameter ice sphere is produced. They are produced back-to-back without the need for reheating. This is more efficient and user friendly than the spherical ice made in high-end bars that requires rigorous processes and expertise. To celebrate the Canadian launch of the Forge, Monogram partnered with the London-based, internationally-renowned mixologist Marian Beke, who made a special appearance at Forge’s national launch event hosted in Vancouver, crafting premium cocktails specifically designed to showcase the beauty of Forge ice. “Not all ice is created equal,” he quipped. “Ice is an incredibly important element to crafting exquisitely well-balanced cocktails. I love the speed and precision at which the Forge creates spherical ice and the finished product is truly in the next level. “The optimal minus-7 or minus-8 (°C) temperature is easily achieved, and it takes about 45 to 60 minutes for the spherical ice to melt (versus 10 minutes for a normal ice cube), and that’s long after the drink is consumed. “The Forge allows home mixologists to elevate their cocktails and turn on-the-rocks drinks into true showstoppers.” Not all ice is created equal, Ice is an incredibly important element to crafting exquisitely well-balanced cocktails. “ “ 國際知名調酒師Marian Beke調製了特別設計的高級雞尾酒來展示Forge冰球美態。 Internationally-renowned mixologist Marian Beke crafted premium cocktails specifically designed to showcase the beauty of Forge ice. 球形冰融化時間大約在45到60分鐘。 It takes about 45 to 60 minutes for the spherical ice to melt. E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 85