
來杯加冰雞尾酒 A Mixologists Marvel Elevate Home Cocktails with the Forge Heated Ice Press Story | Kenson Ho Photography | Monogram 你知道嗎?一杯雞尾酒20%到80%是由冰塊組成,而且冰塊對於 飲品溫度的控制和稀釋作用非常重要,所以高品質的冰是調製雞尾酒 的關鍵因素之一。也正因為如此,一些烈酒鑑賞家將球形冰作為品嚐 美酒的黃金標準。 Did you know that 20 to 80 per cent of a cocktail is composed of ice? As a result, high-quality ice can be critical and spherical ice has become the gold standard for connoisseurs of fine spirits. Spherical ice delivers the slowest possible melt time and less surface area coming into contact with the beverage, ensuring the drink stays colder longer and is less diluted. Until recently, you would only find spherical ice used in a handful of high-end hotel lounges in town. However, such an experience is now available in ordinary households. Luxury appliance brand Monogram has launched Canada’s first-of-its-kind countertop appliance called the Forge. It is a heated ice press that provides an unparalleled cocktail experience for the home spirits connoisseur. 建議價MSRP:$2,399 Forge 為家居品鑒雞尾酒 帶來全新的體驗。 Forge provides an unparalleled cocktail experience for the home spirits connoisseur. E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 84 DINE