
在這裡,開胃菜可能是一份清新的番茄果凍,接着會有柔滑的平 目薄片,盛在冰碗中的白魚,上面撒滿金箔、刨成薄片的勃艮第松露 以及主廚自製的松露醬,不僅有淡淡的香氣,還增添了鮮味深度,與 細膩的魚肉相得益彰。其它菜品還有浸泡在冰鎮三魚高湯中的嫩滑素 麵線、鯛魚涮鍋等。鯛魚涮鍋是將魚肉放在自製的柚子醋汁中涮煮, 幸運的話,在松茸高湯中能找到時令美味鱈魚白。 Igarashi的招牌菜是日本鮑魚。大鮑魚被切成薄片,搭配由鮑魚 肝製成的油膩濃稠的醬汁。後者的味道就像浸在黃油中一樣,特別是 與一團沾滿醬汁的調味壽司飯一起吃時,滋味令人無限滿足。特色甜 點是薄脆餅乾,上面一片Nikka威士忌焦糖葉,加上自製白芝麻冰淇淋 和紫李蜜餞。 Diners may choose to dine at Sushi Yugen’s 12-seat main counter, which is available for both the 45-minute lunch or hour-long dinner service. The menu features 10 nigiri, a hand roll, miso soup and dessert, with an extra appetizer course at dinner. For true traditionally rooted cuisine, the premium eight-seat chef’s counter is a good choice. it serves 18 to 20 courses over approximately two hours. While the omakase nigiri experience does feature luxuries, such as chu-toro and uni topped with caviar, it’s the parade of appetizers and igarashi’s dishes that leaves a distinct impression. Here, you might be greeted with a refreshing tomato jelly that’s a bright opener before a crowd-pleasing number featuring silky slices of hirame. Served in an ice bowl, the shiromi course is liberally dusted with gold leaf, shaved Burgundy truffles and chef’s own truffle sauce that doesn’t simply impart a mild yet intoxicating aroma but adds umami depth that complements the delicate flesh. Tender threads of somen are served in a chilled three-fish dashi, while tai shabu shabu poaches the flesh in a house-made ponzu with a pinch of homemade yuzu kosho. if lucky, you might find the seasonal delicacy shirako in a warm matsutake-dashi bath, with a dusting of fragrant sudachi rind. a true chef’s kiss is igarashi’s signature course, Japanese abalone. The abalones are sliced thin and served with an unctuous and fully enveloping sauce made from its liver. The latter, flavoured like it was mounted in butter, is incredibly satisfying, especially when served with a nugget of seasoned sushi rice used scarpetta-style to mop up every drop. Dessert includes a tuile cookie featuring a single Nikka whiskycaramelized sugar leaf perched over a creamy scoop of house-made white sesame ice cream with purple plum compote. 150 York St., 416-363-1888, sushiyugen.ca 白魚盛在一個冰碗中,撒上金箔和刨成薄片的勃艮第松露。 The shiromi course is presented in a bowl made from ice and features gold leaf and shaved Burgundy truffles. 甜點是白芝麻冰淇淋,上面放着一個精緻的薄脆餅乾,用威士忌焦糖葉點綴。 Simple and stunning, dessert might feature a scoop of homemade white sesame ice cream that’s topped with a delicate tuile cookie with a single Nikka whisky-caramelized sugar leaf. 位於150 York Street主樓的Sushi Yugen入口位於大堂內,那裡設有一個等待 區,有一個禪宗花園。 Sushi Yugen’s main-floor lobby features a Zen garden waiting area. E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 83