
SuSHi YuGEN Sushi Yugen擁抱「瑕疵之美」,展現日本極簡主義和侘寂哲學 的精髓。這家全面無障礙餐廳有兩個部分,一個是主用餐區,為可容 納12人的開放式L形壽司吧;另一個是私密8座廚師吧,提供包含懷 石料理的更豐富菜單。業主Kamen Sun和Rocco Wang聘請了總廚 Kyohei Igarashi,他在東京和橫濱的高級懷石和壽司餐廳接受了15年 培訓,在迪拜的米芝蓮星級餐廳TakaHisa工作了7年。 Sushi Yugen的12座主壽司吧提供45分鐘的午餐和一小時的晚 餐,菜單包括10個握壽司、一個手卷、味噌湯和甜點,晚餐還有額外 的前菜。如果想要更高端的享受,8座廚師吧提供約兩小時的18至20 道菜。Igarashi的特色手藝令人印象深刻,當然包括金槍魚中腩和蓋滿 魚籽醬的海膽等奢華美味。 Embodying the essence of Japanese minimalism and wabi-sabi philosophy, Sushi Yugen embraces the concept of flawed beauty. This fully accessible omakase restaurant offers two distinct dining experiences—an open L-shaped sushi counter accommodating 12 in the main dining room and the more intimate eight-seat chef’s counter with a more involved menu with kaiseki and arguably more kappo elements. To accomplish this, owners Kamen Sun and rocco Wang have recruited head chef Kyohei igarashi, who has 15 years of experience at high-end kaiseki and sushi in Tokyo and Yokohama, plus seven years at Michelin-starred TakaHisa in Dubai. 總廚在製作海膽白飯。 Chef Igarashi assembling the uni gohan dish, which features uni, ikura, toro and caviar. E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 81