
主菜更是令人難忘的享受——安大略綠頭鴨胸肉,蓋着煙熏鰻魚 的羊肉餡意大利雲吞,伴以Oscietra魚籽醬、味噌浸過的黑鱈魚,還有 炭烤和牛裡脊。最令人驚豔的是Granchio al Gusto Mediterranean, 多汁的野生紅帝王蟹配上鱒魚籽和精緻的酥皮,然後在桌邊澆上西 西里島綠橄欖果醬。來自意大利、德國的勃艮第和波爾多酒是佐餐佳 釀,甜品選擇則有搭配羊奶冰淇淋、大黃和橄欖油的草莓奶凍,無花 果和黑巧克力奶油蛋糕及抹茶提拉米蘇。 offers elegantly prepared cuisine that’s presented on customized dishware for both the three-course a la carte menu and the eightcourse signature tasting menu. The latter starts off strong with a fresh baked artisan bread service and a whimsical flight of canapés that capture “italy in a Bite”. Fried puffed rigatoni carbonara, toro and buffalo mozzarella filled cannolo Sicilian, carrot tartare tartlet with parsley sauce, plus a solar tide farmed Tarbouriech oyster blanketed by lemon foam delight the senses. The meal is filled with a parade of luxuries. Besides lush ontario mallard duck breast, al dente bundles of tortellini filled with braised ontario lamb and topped with nuggets of smoked eel, black cod deglazed with miso and sided by a quenelle of oscietra caviar, and charcoal grilled wagyu tenderloin. There’s also the gorgeous Granchio al Gusto Mediterranean, which features an intricate tuile pastry ring that’s perched over succulent wild red king crab and trout roe and finished with a tableside pour of Sicilian green olive coulis. The sommelier-guided wine pairings feature classic italian bottles or premium old-world selections of Burgundy and Bordeaux with italian and German producers. Whether it’s the well-balanced strawberry panna cotta topped with goat milk ice cream, rhubarb and a drizzle of olive oil, or the stunning fig and fondente cream and sponge or the elegant Matcha-tea-misù, you won’t forget these fabulous desserts. 440 college St. W., 416-542-3789, danicotoronto.com DaNico主廚Daniel Corona在他位於書院街的新廚房內。 Executive chef Daniele Corona in his new kitchen on College Street. DaNico的亮點之一是一個有3,000瓶窖藏的葡萄酒窖,建在原銀行金庫內。 One of the highlights at DaNico is the 3,000 bottle-deep wine cellar that’s built from the former bank’s vault. E L I T E G E N . C A • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 80 DINE