
E L I T E G E N . C A • s p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 8 Spring Fever 燦爛春天 As we usher in the vibrant spirit of spring, it brings me immense pleasure to welcome you to our Spring 2024 issue—the first of our quarterly editions, now intricately woven into the fabric of the seasons and the dynamic world of fashion. Inside these pages you will find the best inspirations for the season, with a 26-page coverage of men’s and women’s Spring-Summer 2024 collections from the world’s hottest designers. We’re even taking you behind the scenes at Chanel’s ready-to-wear show for an exclusive glimpse into the pulse of high fashion. One of our fashion focus is Louis Vuitton’s SS24 Menswear collection, where Pharrell Williams injects fresh vitality with the striking oversized red Speedy holdall and introduces the military inspired “Damouflage” pattern. For those seeking a more understated elegance, explore the Damier-patterned suits and timeless George’s totes. Shot with a jungle setting and starring actor-model-entrepreneur Chase Tang, this feature is hot as mustard. Ah yes, we are shamelessly flaunting our obsession with food in this issue. In addition to a foodie tour in Toronto’s financial district, jetting off to Hong Kong for a taste of the renowned Food & Wine Festival alongside the city’s hottest culinary destinations, we are celebrating a decade since R&D’s Eric Chong became Canada’s first-ever MasterChef. He will be opening a second restaurant with Demon Chef Alvin Leung this year, and he spills the beans, (last food pun—I promise), in our cover feature on when it will open, where it is located, and what’s on the menu. Special thanks to Scarborough Town Centre, (STC), for supporting our cover shoot. They just celebrated their 50th anniversary, and they are as full of energy, diversity and vibrancy as ever. We also want to give a shoutout to Ikea at STC— the Dream Kitchen showroom is our dream kitchen too. Our beauty pages feature Guerlain’s new Gold Nobile Orchidée Imperiale serum and cream. I was one of the privileged few to attend the global launch event at Raffles London hotel, also known as the OWO hotel. To let our readers experience this cutting-edge radiance skincare, we have joined hands with Guerlain to present a series of masterclasses at Holt Renfrew Toronto and Vancouver. This is just one of the many exclusive experiences we are creating for you. For example, we offered 100 class kits and a total of $3,000 worth of Shiseido and Clé de Peau products in our Lunar New Year online masterclass. In February, we partnered up with Rémy Martin to invite readers to attend a special XO Opulence Revealed tasting, in celebration of the house’s 300th anniversary. More excitement will be coming soon, so be sure to sign up to become our INSIDER CLUB member for priority access to these extraordinary events, as we continue to elevate your eliteGen experience. Thank you for being part of our journey. Yours sincerely, Leslie Yip Boucher-Harris VP, Business Solutions Associate Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, eliteGen Facebook, Instagram & Twitter@leslieyip0911 隨着春天的到來,一切都恢復了活力,《eliteGen星 尚》季度版的第一期——2024年春季期刊與您見面了!我 們已經把春的悸動與時尚編織於其中,要和您分享美好季 節的喜悅。 這裡有多達26頁來自世界最炙手可熱設計師的男、 女2024年春夏系列的展示,香奈兒春夏成衣秀的獨家報 導,翻閱每一頁,您將一點一點找到春季迷人的時尚節 拍。 路易威登的2024春夏男裝系列是我們的時尚焦點之 一,在這個系列裡,您會發現紅色超大旅行包鮮活耀眼, Damouflage系列閃爍迷幻。而對於那些尋求更為低調優 雅的人,可以選擇棋盤格圖案的西裝和經典的George手 包。Pharrell Williams的設計以叢林為背景,在演員、模 特兼企業家Chase Tang的演繹下,如太陽光耀般熱情奔 放。 我們同時毫不掩飾地展示了對食物的癡迷。除了帶 您走入多倫多市中心金融區尋覓美食,飛往香港體會酒 吧、美食節的熱鬧,還與多倫多R&D餐廳的主人張華聰 一起慶祝他獲得加拿大首位「廚神」稱號十周年。他與「惡 魔廚師」梁經倫共同開設的第二家餐廳即將開業,想知道 時間、地點、特色?細讀我們的封面故事就都知道了。在 此我要特別感謝士嘉堡購物中心(STC)支持我們的封面拍 攝。剛剛慶祝了營業五十周年的STC依然多元進取、活力 四射,Ikea選擇它作為加拿大第一個入駐的商場就是最好 的證明。 我們的美容專欄同樣精彩紛呈,您會對嬌蘭的新產 品——Gold Nobile Orchidée Imperiale精華液和面霜有 全面的認識。我是少數幾個有幸參加在Raffles London酒 店(也稱為OWO酒店)全球發佈活動的嘉賓之一。為了讓 讀者體驗這一科技領先的高效護膚品,我們與嬌蘭攜手在 Holt Renfrew多倫多中心和溫哥華中心推出了大師班。這 只是《eliteGen星尚》為您打造的許多獨家體驗之一,新春 伊始,美容盛宴沒有停止,例如,我們在農曆新年開辦 了資生堂和Clé de Peau美妝線上大師班,提供了100個 免費課堂工具包和總價值3,000元的品牌珍貴產品。二月 份,我們又與「人頭馬」合作,邀請讀者參加專屬「揭秘人 頭馬XO奢華享受」品酒活動,慶祝該品牌誕生三百周年。 更多的精彩還將陸續有來,在此我誠摯邀請您註冊成 為我們的INSIDER CLUB會員,這樣您就能優先獲得以後 所有活動的參加權限。《eliteGen星尚》的多元化時尚體驗 正在不斷升級,我熱切期待與您共享。 感謝您隨《eliteGen星尚》一路前行。 publisher’s letter