
餐廳由Liberty Group的創意總監Nadia Di Donato負責室內設計, 裡面擺放了來自加拿大藝術家Max Jamali和Peter Triantos的精選作 品,以及Salvador Dali、Damien Hirst和Mr. Brainwash的作品,意大 利馬海毛天鵝絨、錦緞、英國皮革、瓷器、範思哲陶瓷則為這個歷史 地標增添了現代元素。 主用餐區擁有拱形的30呎高天花板,靠牆設有私密的長椅和從上 到下的大型掛毯,在這裡你可以享受Amalfi Spritz定製雞尾酒,它以檸 檬杜松子酒、黃蕁麻酒、桃味糖漿和普羅賽克氣泡酒,或是用意大利 Amari甜酒製作的Diplomat為特色。私人派對可以預訂廚師餐桌,對着 DaNico的開放式廚房,及建在原銀行金庫內、有3,000瓶窖藏的葡萄 酒窖。 DaNico意大利菜式,由多倫多米芝蓮星級餐廳Don Alfonso 1890 前主廚Daniel Corona烹飪的美食,都在3道菜的單點菜單或8道菜的 招牌品嚐菜單上,而且餐具都是定製的。招牌品嚐菜單以新鮮烘焙的 麵包和豐富的開胃小吃開始,包括膨化培根蛋醬意大利麵、藍鰭金槍 魚、水牛乳酪夾心甜甜圈、歐芹蘸醬胡蘿蔔撻,以及被檸檬泡沫包裹 的太陽潮汐養殖Tarbouriech牡蠣,盡攬意式精髓。 Liberty Group creative director Nadia Di Donato has filled the 60seat restaurant with curated works from canadian artists Max Jamali and Peter Triantos, in addition to those by Salvador Dali, Damien Hirst and Mr. Brainwash. The combination of modern elements with heirloom finishes is also echoed in the mixed materials filling the heritage landmark, from italian mohair velvet and brocades to English leather, porcelain, warm woods and Versace ceramics. With vaulted 30-foot ceilings, the main dining room is lined with intimate banquettes with large tapestries hanging from above and where you might enjoy a bespoke cocktail, like the amalfi Spritz that features lemon gin, yellow chartreuse, peach cordial and prosecco, or the spirit-forward Diplomat made at its college Street flanking bar. Private parties can book the chef’s table, which faces DaNico’s open kitchen and the stunning 3,000 bottle-deep wine cellar that’s built from the former bank’s vault. DaNico offers contemporary italian cuisine accented by modern asian influences. co-owner and executive chef Daniel corona, the former head chef of Toronto’s Michelin-starred Don alfonso 1890, 賞心悅目的Granchio al Gusto Mediterranean是覆蓋着精緻酥皮片的野生紅皇蟹,搭配鱒魚籽, 然後在桌邊澆上西西里島綠橄欖果醬,還有小綠葉和可食用花朵點綴。 DaNico’s elegant Granchio al Gusto Mediterranean crowns wild red king crab, trout roe in Sicilian green olive coulis with a delicate pastry tile, microgreens and edible flowers. 開胃小吃包括膨化培根蛋醬意大利麵、水牛乳酪夾心甜甜圈、歐芹蘸醬胡蘿蔔撻,以及被檸檬 泡沫包裹的Tarbouriech牡蠣。 Opening canapes might feature a puffed rigatoni pasta that’s filled with carbonara sauce, a toro filled squid ink cannolo, an heirloom carrot tartlette with al prezzemolo foam and a prized Tarbouriech oyster. 搭配焦糖紅洋蔥或新鮮薄荷的煙熏鰻魚,及浸泡在巴貝拉葡萄酒 醬中的羊肉餡意大利雲吞。 The Tortellini d’Agnello e Anguilla Affumicata features smoked eel alternating with caramelized red onion and fresh mint on lamb-filled pasta that’s bathed in a Barbera wine sauce. 必點的甜點包括亞洲風味的抹茶提拉米蘇,搭配抹茶芝士濃縮咖 啡泡沫、抹茶珍珠和抹茶塊。 A must order are the desserts, including the Asian-inspired Matcha-tea-misù with matcha mascarpone espresso foam, matcha pearls and matcha rocks. E L I T E G E N • S p r I N G • 2 0 2 4 79